Making use of DialogCulture setting in HTML5 Web application


we have a custom webshop that combines a HTML5 web application and the current v.8.1 Webportal. If i set a user's culture (Person.UID_Culture) the Webportal language changes accordingly even though the accept-language setting of the browser differs. On the other hand, HTML5 web applications are only considering the accept-language setting when using the ImxTranslationProviderService.

Therefore parts of our custom webshop might have german areas coming from the Webportal when Person.UID_Culture = "de" and some areas are translated in english due to an accept-language=en setting. Our idea was to use the TranslateService.use() function to change the culture once the user logged in within the HTML5 application. But maybe there is already in build support for translations based on the Person.UID_Culture for HTML5 applications using the CompositionAPI ?