Query in a scrip with order by condition

Hi everyone,

I'm creating a custom scrip in which I need to execute a query with the order by clause. I specified it in the where caluse but there is a default "order by cn" in the final query. Here you can see the two queries.

Where clasue: "UID_UNSGroupB in (select top 27 UID_UNSGroupB from UNSGroupB where UID_UNSContainerB = 'c4f3feb6-9dde-4768-9545-1d0f7c313321' order by ObjectGUID)"

Query executed in the database with my where clause: "select UID_UNSGroupB, cn, CanonicalName, xmarkedfordeletion from UNSGroupB where ((UID_UNSGroupB in (select top 27 UID_UNSGroupB from UNSGroupB where UID_UNSContainerB = 'c4f3feb6-9dde-4768-9545-1d0f7c313321' order by ObjectGUID))) order by cn"

Is there a way to avoid the "order by cn" at the end?

Thank you


  • I assume you used the where clause to load a collection. The default load-type for the collection always sorts by the display pattern of the objects loaded if no order-by was specified in the query object.

    To avoid this, you can either specify an order-by UID_UNSGroupB (if that solves your issue) or use the load-type Slim.

    Be aware that this load-type does not load the display value for the objects or column values.

  • Hi Markus,

    Thanks for your reply. I'm new with One Identity and i don't know the difference between the two.

    Right now i'm usnig this code to execute the query:

    Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter              
    Dim colTotRole As IColDbObject = Connection.CreateCol("UNSGroupB")              
    colTotRole.Prototype.WhereClause = "UID_UNSGroupB in (select top 27 UID_UNSGroupB from UNSGroupB where UID_UNSContainerB = 'c4f3feb6-9dde-4768-9545-1d0f7c313321' order by ObjectGUID)"

    And then i hace a for cycle (with "i" as index of the cycle) to get each row in this way:

    Dim Receiver As ISingleDbObject = colTotRole(i).Create
    Dim RoleUID As String = Receiver.ObjectWalker.GetValue("UID_UNSGroupB").String

    In which way shoud i change my code to be able to order by ObjectGUID? 

  • First of all, I would recommend the video series about scripting in One Identity Manager on our official YouTube channel. It explains all you need to know.


    Secondly, I suggest to use the new API (new since version 7) to work with the objects. This API is explained in the scripting SDK Samples on the product delivery <OneIM>\Modules\QBM\dvd\AddOn\SDK\ScriptSamples

    If you do use the new API, your code would look like this:

    Dim whereClause As String = "UID_UNSGroupB in (select top 27 UID_UNSGroupB from UNSGroupB where UID_UNSContainerB = 'c4f3feb6-9dde-4768-9545-1d0f7c313321' order by ObjectGUID)"
    Dim dbQuery = Query.From(Table.UNSGroupB).Where(whereClause).SelectNonLobs()
    ' Load the collection without display and sorting
    Dim dbTotRole As IEntityCollection = Session.Source.GetCollection(dbQuery, EntityCollectionLoadType.Slim)
    ' Iterate over the collection
    For Each elem As IEntity In dbTotRole
        ' Fetch the GUID of the Group form the collection
        Dim RoleUID As String = elem.GetValue(Table.UNSGroupB.UID_UNSGroupB).String
        ' Do something with the RoleUID

  • First of all, I would recommend the video series about scripting in One Identity Manager on our official YouTube channel. It explains all you need to know.


    Secondly, I suggest to use the new API (new since version 7) to work with the objects. This API is explained in the scripting SDK Samples on the product delivery <OneIM>\Modules\QBM\dvd\AddOn\SDK\ScriptSamples

    If you do use the new API, your code would look like this:

    Dim whereClause As String = "UID_UNSGroupB in (select top 27 UID_UNSGroupB from UNSGroupB where UID_UNSContainerB = 'c4f3feb6-9dde-4768-9545-1d0f7c313321' order by ObjectGUID)"
    Dim dbQuery = Query.From(Table.UNSGroupB).Where(whereClause).SelectNonLobs()
    ' Load the collection without display and sorting
    Dim dbTotRole As IEntityCollection = Session.Source.GetCollection(dbQuery, EntityCollectionLoadType.Slim)
    ' Iterate over the collection
    For Each elem As IEntity In dbTotRole
        ' Fetch the GUID of the Group form the collection
        Dim RoleUID As String = elem.GetValue(Table.UNSGroupB.UID_UNSGroupB).String
        ' Do something with the RoleUID
