Is there a provision to view the list of employees who are not assigned to a manager? Understand that we have attestation policy in place, however, I was given a scenario to check if we can see the list of users without manager at one go?

Dear All, 

I'm currently working in v9.0 and was given a scenario to see if we can view the list of users without a manager in one identity (set aside attestation policy for the moment)

Scenario to replicate.

1) I have created a user manually (say John Wesley), but didn't assign the manager intentionally as it is not a mandatory field.

2) Customer noticed that there are list of users who are not assigned to a manager (either thru CSV Connector or Manual entry in one identity, say there are around 25 users without a manager for now).

3) Customer wants us to create a custom defined company policy, where these users be routed through a HR department team (Policy supervisor kind of) and they should assign the manager based on their region.

I believe, there should be a provision to handle these scenarios too, just my hunch. 

Looking forward for your insights. 



Parents Reply
  • "...if we can view the list of users without a manager in one identity" => Yes. You can create a custom filter in the Manager, or if you want to see them in the Web Portal you can just use the ootb filter "Identities without manager" option in the Data Explorer view.

    In regards to your use case, a company policy for persons without a manager can be easily created.

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