Attestation / Certification - Point In Time

I see a post on this from 8 years ago - and a reply 3 years later.

As with any IGA we are synced with our IDP and many other systems.  We often get asked why our quarterly certifications are ran live, for which I don't have a good answer other than that is how the product is.  Many of our team members experience certifications coming from a static experience.  In large environments, live certifications makes the audit process much more time consuming.

Is there a way, or any future plans, to offer static certifications within One Identity Manager?

Thank you.

  • I do not understand your definition of live versus static. Can you please elaborate a little more on this topic.

    The certifications in One Identity Manager are point in time in a way that you certify the snap-shot state made at the point when the certification campaign starts. In that matter, it is rather a static then live certification.

  • I do not understand your definition of live versus static. Can you please elaborate a little more on this topic.

    The certifications in One Identity Manager are point in time in a way that you certify the snap-shot state made at the point when the certification campaign starts. In that matter, it is rather a static then live certification.

  • That is definitely true.  I think it was more the attestation object remaining static through the attestation life cycle, rather than being subjected to change.  For example, if a manager clears, our pre/post reports have different feedback, same with terms.  From what I understand, the audit team is looking to present the point in time through out the attestation period regardless of business change.   However, this is ultimately, I believe, more of a process issue on our side.