OAuth - Value cannot be null or empty. Parameter name: code

Dear Markus/Experts,

I am trying to test OneIM API via Postman and over the postman while trying to use the OAuth Module as per documentation and passing the OAuth string with required values in the body of my API Call, getting the below error as shown below.

Can someone please advise if I am doing anything wrong

"id": "OAuth",
"caption": "OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect",
"authTemplate": "Module=OAuth;(OAuth2Code)Code;(Hidden)AppUrl;(Hidden)ClientId;(Hidden)Nonce;(Hidden)RedirectUri",
"passwordBased": false,
"isDefault": false

2023-05-02 11:07:54.0524 ERROR (ObjectLog Global) : [810284] Failed to authenticate user.
[System.ArgumentException] Value cannot be null or empty.
Parameter name: code
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> VI.Base.ViException: Failed to authenticate user. ---> System.ArgumentException: Value cannot be null or empty.
Parameter name: code
at QER.OAuthAuthentifier.OAuth.<_GetTokenAsync>d__30.MoveNext()

Kindly assist.



Parents Reply Children
  • Thanks Markus for reverting. We have configured MS Azure IDP i.e. <https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant ID>/.well-known/openid-configuration for the application server.

  • Hi Markus,

    Also, in addition to this I am trying to use Token Module in Version 9.0 LTS, which we are currently upgrading to and its in progress in our non-production environments, but while trying to validate that via PostMan receiving 

    Auth String Passed in Body of for auth/apphost in Version 9.0 LTS via PostMan


    Error in IIS Logs

    2023-05-10 15:45:04.6576 ERROR (ObjectLog Global) : [810069] Error loading authentication module Token.
    [810070] The authentication module is not available or not activated.
    VI.Base.ViException: Error loading authentication module Token. ---> VI.Base.ViException: The authentication module is not available or not activated.
    at VI.DB.Auth.DbAuthenticator.<_GetModuleAsync>d__13.MoveNext()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    I have enabled authentication modules and configuration parameters as mentioned in Tech documents mentioned below



    Could you provide some reference over here if anything additional to be done.

  • If you want to use the token based auth, you do not need to pass the auth string or call the auth/apphost URL. This might be misleading.

    You just pass your access token as bearer token in the header.

  • When I tried passing the bearer token header I am still getting 

    2023-05-11 13:24:08.9765 DEBUG (AppServer v2wZ9SO7H5ye8ThinEsg) : Executing request: /auth/apphost
    2023-05-11 13:24:08.9765 ERROR (ObjectLog Global) : [ServiceStack.HttpError] Invalid authentication data.
    ServiceStack.HttpError: Invalid authentication data.

    Also as you mention with token based auth, we don't need to call auth/apphost URL. so without calling auth/apphost URL, how will we authenticate ? What I understood from the documentation that in order to use RestAPI, we have to first  authenticate against the application server by calling auth/apphost with required module.

    For instance, when I used the dialoguser based auth module, I can successfully connect validate and make API calls via PostMan.

  • If you configure the AppServer to use the token-based authentication, you do not need to call the auth/apphost URL. You instead provide the access token as a bearer token in the header of your call. This is meant for machine-to-machine usage.

    You have to keep in mind, that in this case OneIM converts the access token to an authenticated identity by taking a claim from the access token and using that to lookup a Person object as described in the authentication documentation for the OAuth authentication modules.

    If you use the other OAuth authentication modules, you need to call the auth/apphost URL as you did with the Dialoguser authentication module.

  • Hi Markus,

    In V9, I am able to authenticate using OAuth and it works now.

    But I have one more query, as we have only windows authentication enabled at IIS end for application server, so while testing APIs via PostMan it throws unauthorized error and in order to by pass this as per solution mentioned in  Rest API on 7.1 cannot authenticate by enabling anonymous authentication at IIS end OAuth 2.0 mechanism works perfectly via postman for API calls.

    So, is enabling anonymous authentication the correct solution or does it have any other implications ? Should we also enable anonymous authentication in Production is it advisable. Because with only Windows Authentication enabled it requires the domain user login with which the application pool is configured at IIS end.

    Could you please guide us on the above points and share your suggestion ?  

  • In regards to Postman and Windows Auth, this here might be of use. https://mejustandrew.medium.com/postman-401-unathorized-using-ntlm-a996fbf072bf

    Speaking generally, if Windows Auth is enabled at the IIS then - before the request is routed to the AppServer - the IIS tries to authorize you. And if your Postman call is not able to do so the request fails.