How to rename columns in Simple List Report?

Hi there,

In IM 8.2 I have created a report in the Manager using the simple list report mode. The report is the following:

<DatabaseExportDefinition BaseTable="PersonWantsOrg">
  <WhereClause>OrderState = 'Assigned'</WhereClause>
    <Column TableName="PersonWantsOrg" ColumnName="DisplayPersonOrdered" ExportDisplay="True"/>
    <Column TableName="PersonWantsOrg" ColumnName="CustomProperty03" ExportDisplay="True"/>
    <Column TableName="PersonWantsOrg" ColumnName="CustomProperty04" ExportDisplay="True"/>
	<Column TableName="PersonWantsOrg" ColumnName="DisplayOrgParentOfParent" ExportDisplay="True"/>
	<Column TableName="PersonWantsOrg" ColumnName="DisplayOrg" ExportDisplay="True"/>

I would like to rename the display name of the columns only for this report. Is it possible? Maybe through the xml language?

Thanks in advance