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Dell V7.02: Properly delete custom view

Hello i have created a custom view with the schemaextenion tool.

Unfortunately I have a small mistake in my view and I need to recreate it.
How can I properly delete a custom view? Any Ideas?

I figured out 2 Stored-procedures in the Database "QBM_PViewDrop" and "QBM_PTableDrop" which sounds like that what i need, but I am not sure about.

Thanks Fatih

  • Hi Fatih,
    You need to delete a corresponding entry from DialogTable along with all corresponding entries from DialogColumn.
    There might be some more dependencies but you'll see them while trying to delete records from DialogColumn.

  • Hi Fatih,
    You need to delete a corresponding entry from DialogTable along with all corresponding entries from DialogColumn.
    There might be some more dependencies but you'll see them while trying to delete records from DialogColumn.

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