• How to offboard SAP system or client

    Hello everyone,

    an SAP system is about to be decommissioned in my environment and I was asked to offboard the system and clients from One Identity.

    I wasn't able to find a guide on which objects need to be deleted in which order to achieve this goal.…

  • Define a where clause for a custom FK column


    I would like to implement a where clause for a custom FK column, such that results of an FK column can be pre-filtered in Manager.

    For example; if one were to extend the table ADSAccount with an FK column pointing to the table ADSAccount, I would like…

  • Dell V7.02: Properly delete custom view

    Hello i have created a custom view with the schemaextenion tool.

    Unfortunately I have a small mistake in my view and I need to recreate it.
    How can I properly delete a custom view? Any Ideas?

    I figured out 2 Stored-procedures in the Database "QBM_PViewDrop…

  • Help us help you - How to get the most out of this forum

    The better a problem is described, the better the assistance tends to be.
    (*Note: Please refrain from including private data in your posts)

    Consider and include the following information in your initial post:

    • Product, Version, and relevant environment…