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Completed Attestation Multiplies by 10

I have the following query to run custom Attestation Report for UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB. The issue here is I am getting multiple attestation cases for one Attestation. For Example if I have 29 completed completed cases I get 290 in the custom report.

Please advise:

select ap.Ident_AttestationPolicy AS 'Attestation Type',
ac.AccountName As 'Login ID', As 'Employee',
ac.DisplayName AS 'DisplayName', AS 'Entitlement',
ah.DateHead AS 'Approval Date',
ah.DecisionType AS 'Decision Type',
attester.InternalName AS 'Attester',
ah.ReasonHead AS 'Comment'
from PersonInAERole p, UNSRoot u, UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB ug, UNSAccountB ac, AttestationCase
c,AttestationPolicy ap, Person attester, AttestationHistory ah, UNSGroupB gb
where u.UID_AERoleOwner = p.UID_AERole and
c.ObjectKeyBase = ug.XObjectKey and
ug.UID_UNSAccountB = ac.UID_UNSAccountB and
ap.UID_AttestationPolicy = c.UID_AttestationPolicy and
c.UID_AttestationCase = ah.UID_AttestationCase and
attester.UID_Person = ah.UID_PersonHead and
ug.UID_UNSGroupB = gb.UID_UNSGroupB

  • Hi,

    You did not say what exactly you want the query to return, so it is not easy to say what is wrong.

    But I noticed that the query does not match the UNSRoot to the UNSAccount (add "and ac.UID_UNSRootB = u.UID_UNSRoot" ?)

  • Hi,

    You did not say what exactly you want the query to return, so it is not easy to say what is wrong.

    But I noticed that the query does not match the UNSRoot to the UNSAccount (add "and ac.UID_UNSRootB = u.UID_UNSRoot" ?)

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