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Develop web portal without webdesigner


This question is in relationship with my previous thread

--> Does someone has tried to create a web portal without the use of webdesigner (e.g. using Visual Studio) and integrate directly with One Identity Database ? If so what are the limitation or element requiring special cares.

I would like to assess if I can have my web developers using their framework of choice instead of learning a new dev framework like webdesigner.


  • No, but if you find out a way, please post an answer. The Web Designer documentation doesn't provide much regarding how to use components. I have spent over six hours trying to figure out how to implement a combo box unsuccessfully and the five day course in Berlin is out of the question due to the cost. I'm still trying to figure out how to bind the debugger in Visual Studios to the Web Designer. If I find out, I will post my findings on another thread.

  • No, but if you find out a way, please post an answer. The Web Designer documentation doesn't provide much regarding how to use components. I have spent over six hours trying to figure out how to implement a combo box unsuccessfully and the five day course in Berlin is out of the question due to the cost. I'm still trying to figure out how to bind the debugger in Visual Studios to the Web Designer. If I find out, I will post my findings on another thread.

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