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Develop web portal without webdesigner


This question is in relationship with my previous thread

--> Does someone has tried to create a web portal without the use of webdesigner (e.g. using Visual Studio) and integrate directly with One Identity Database ? If so what are the limitation or element requiring special cares.

I would like to assess if I can have my web developers using their framework of choice instead of learning a new dev framework like webdesigner.


  • Hi Christian,
    I strongly recommend the training, it is worth the cost!

    Components can be seen as classes. Whenever you need something more than once and in different flavors, make a component out of it. Then you call it with arguments of different types. If the argument in both context have the same name, there is an automatic mapping. Quite handy and easy from my point of view.

    Do you implement your own combo box in let's say C# or java? Do the OOTB components not fulfill your needs of a Combobox?
    The web designer is build to implement new business workflows or adjust the standard ones. That's why it comes with a bunch of controls, like a combobox.

    Debugging of the Web Portal in VS works by attaching to the w3wp and opening the C# files. Debugging the Web Designer Editor does not make a lot of sense. Do you often try to debug Manager oder ObjectBrowser in VS?

  • Hi Christian,
    I strongly recommend the training, it is worth the cost!

    Components can be seen as classes. Whenever you need something more than once and in different flavors, make a component out of it. Then you call it with arguments of different types. If the argument in both context have the same name, there is an automatic mapping. Quite handy and easy from my point of view.

    Do you implement your own combo box in let's say C# or java? Do the OOTB components not fulfill your needs of a Combobox?
    The web designer is build to implement new business workflows or adjust the standard ones. That's why it comes with a bunch of controls, like a combobox.

    Debugging of the Web Portal in VS works by attaching to the w3wp and opening the C# files. Debugging the Web Designer Editor does not make a lot of sense. Do you often try to debug Manager oder ObjectBrowser in VS?

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