• How to store UID_personhead from AttestationHelper to the Attestationhistory


    I need to store the value uid_personhead from the AttestationHelper table in the Attestationhistory table when the case closes. 

    This is for a requirement to report on managers who do not complete their Attestations before they escalate.  Currently I can…

  • What is the proper way of closing Attestation Run ?

    For example i've startet a Attestation of some Objects(5000). The Attestation Policy is set for 7 days (Time required). After this period 3000 Attestation Cases are closed with granted/deny decision. So when i want to close this run i need to do something…

  • Attestation removal of customized attestation policies and attestation procedures.

    Hi all,

    I have a question related with the attestation removal. In my project, we have many attestation policies with customized attestation procedure. When the attestation is denied, the requested entitlements should be aborted. I found that the "Abort…