• Vulnerability in the Angular version


    We recently received a customer notification about an "EOL/Obsolete Software: AngularJS 1.x Detected" vulnerability after we updated the version to 9.2. I would like to know if anyone else has received this vulnerability notification and if the…

  • How to open link in a new browser window password reset portal

    Hi all,

    When I log in with the admin portal in configuration, I can enter the URL for the password reset portal. I want it to open in a new tab when I click on this URL, but it's not happening. Could you help me with this subject

    Best regards,

  • How Can We See Our Authorization as a List Instead of Hyperview

    Hi all,

    Our customer want to see on authorizations (ADGROUP, LDAPGROUP etc.) as a list or grid instead of hyperview. Is it possibble? Could you lead us for this subject?

    Best regards,

  • Caches management of Angular Web Portal

    Hello everyone,

    We are making a custom app for one of our solution from the Angular codebase v92. We are building using npm run build. But we see there is a caches that is not getting cleared when we have deployed the custom app. Can anyone of you please…

  • One session for user on web portal

    Hi everyone,

    Is there a way to set only one session for a user? Nowadays, users can open different sessions on web portal with different Web Browser.

    If possible, I want that when a user is logged in on the web portal, if the same user tries to log in…

  • Change Manger through Web Portal

    Hi everyone,

    I use OIM version 81.5 and I want to change a default behaviour of OIM in the Web Portal.

    When a manager wants change his subordinates' manager, he click on the subordinate, then on "Master Data" and finally on the button "Assign new manager…

  • Error in Web Portal while saving view

    Good evening,

    While saving a view for my collaborates I see this error:

    'Uncaught Typerror: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addClass')'

    Have someone the same issue? How I can resolve?

    I use One Identity Manager v. 8.1.5


  • How can I change the login page error message?

    I need to change the error message on the login page, but I looked in the VI_Common_Login Web Designer component and I didn't find any message that I could change, I just found container5 - Error/message that just change the message display style to a…

  • How can I change the login page error message?

    I need to change the error message on the login page, but I looked in the VI_Common_Login Web Designer component and I didn't find any message that I could change, I just found container5 - Error/message that just change the message display style to a…

  • Permission groups and menus in web portal


    We are running into an issue pertaining to application roles and role based permission groups. We want to give certain application roles access to the “Data Administration/Data Explorer” menu in the web portal.

    The custom application…

  • Primary Location selection from Web portal - Slow to display list

    Hello, Can anyone tell me if there is something special I need to do in the Web portal to get the list show up quicker?

    I have the Primary Location (UID_Locality) as a selection on the web portal for when employees update or create a person record.


  • Web Portal using Docker image

    trying to install the WebPortal using the Docker image here https://hub.docker.com/r/oneidentity/oneim-web

    with the linux-amd64-8.2 tag and the following environment variables/secrets:

    export APPLICATIONTOKEN=abcdef
    export APPSERVERCONNSTRING="http:/…

  • Edit IT Shop Request Page

    Dear all,

    I'm trying to edit the Request Page of the IT Shop, however I can't seem to find a correct way to do it.

    I would like to make 2 main changes:

    1. I need the "include child categories" field to appear selected when the page is opened;…

  • Web portal report parameter


    Can someone tell if and how configure the report created in web portal to pass a parameter i created?

    Or point me to the document where it can provide some information. I looked and searched and cannot find this. Thank you, Lu

  • Restrict property to be read-only


    Can someone tell me if a script can be used to restrict property to be read only for my profile? v8.1.3

    We have a need to ensure that internal employees don't edit certain things since most data comes from HR.

    External users should be able to…

  • White pages view for external employees


    Can anyone tell me why an external employee is unable to view terminated people in the white pages?

    I have a need for some non-employees to view details on a terminated employee.

    This is due to our Help Desk having some external employees and need…

  • Web Portal timeout duration vs RSTS authentication


    My question concerns to Web portal session timeout.

    In my use-case I had to setup a timeout session to 15 minutes.

    I've followed this guideline https://support.oneidentity.com/identity-manager/kb/213794/how-to-increase-the-web-portal-timeout-…

  • Web Portal Installation HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error

    I am building a sandbox installation of OID 8.1.2 in a vm with Windows Server 2019 and SQL Server 2019.

    I set up the IIS with Windows Authentication and enabled this for the default web site, then installed the Web Portal using the OID installer. When…

  • IT Shop still showing "InActive" employees.

    Hello All,

    We are having a little issue with InActive employees still showing on Web portal for managers in their direct reports.  I have the parameter set  for "QER\ITShop\AutoCloseInactivePerson"... Is there anything else that i need to do to remove those…

  • Overview not showing ADSAccount in v8.1 web portal


    I just upgraded to 8.1 and now the ADSAccount is not showing in the Overview on the web portal.

    In version 7.x when going to the Person you can check the overview and the ADSAccount was there now it is gone.

    Can anyone tell me how to activate the…

  • Password Reset Portal with Starling

    Hi All,

    I need to combine Password Reset Portal with One Identity Starling to permit users to reset password themselves, without passcode generated by Helpdesk/Manager.

    Is it possible in the last release 8.1? I follow set up step as shows in "https…

  • Sorting drop down list v 7.13


    Can anyone tell me if there is a way to sort a drop down list field in the web portal?

    I don't want the list to be sorted alphabetically. 

    Thank you,


  • Add new employee button is greyed out v7.1.3


    Is anyone aware of a defect on the web portal that will not allow people to add new employees?

    I have the proper conditions but something is not allowing users that don;t have any sponsored account to "Add New employees"

    I have a ticket…

  • Attestation - Exception in web portal when clicking View Object Details

    I'm creating a new Attestation, using 1IM version 7.0.3. The base objects are PersonWantsOrg.

    When I create a case and click on 'View Object Details' I get the following exception:

    2018-05-10 17:58:21.7179 ERROR (VI.WebRuntime.Communication…

  • Disable new report option from end user in web portal.

    Hi All,


    Need quick help, if we want to restrict all users and allow only some of admin to create new report in web portal under reports, how can we achieve same?

    oneIM v8 STD.

    Thanks and Regards.