• How to Enable Passcode Generation for All Identities in Angular Web Portal as a Session User

    In the current out-of-the-box feature, a user can only generate passcodes for their subordinates/direct reportes. For example, in the Angular dashboard, under the "My Responsibilities" tile, it lists:

    • User 1
    • User 2

    As a user, I can generate…

  • Delegation to Person who is being attested

    Hello Identity Manager Community, 

    I ran into the following situation: 

    'Person A' delegates an attestation for a ADSAccountInADSGroup-object to 'Person B'.

    'Person B's entitlement /group membership is being attested by the attestation and…

  • Recreate missing helperheadperson


    I have mess up by deleting some helperheadperson which should not be and result of missing ability to see some persons on the portal from some manager. (it's not prod)

    Is there a way to rebuild the missing lines of helperheadperson for direct…

  • Request Property field issue


    I am having an issue with the request property:

    The request is from the personwantsorg table, and I want to calculate the dynamic fields in the parameter query using "%", for example, UID_Person = '%UID_PersonOrdered%'.

    This works…

  • Install Identity Manager with script, quantum.migratorcmd.exe

    Hi everyone,

    I've been facing challenges with the script-based installation of Identity Manager using the quantum.migratorcmd.exe tool. However, everything proceeds smoothly when I use the Configuration Wizard for installation.

    From what I understand…

  • Login via SSO to applications.

    Hello everyone,

    can anyone tell me how I can configure the login of applications (Manager, Designer, JobqueueInfo...) via SSO?

    Any help is welcome, thank you.

  • DGE Filesystem Resource Access report from Web Portal is different from that generated by Manager

    Hello, everyone,

    I am using the One Identity Manager Data Governance Edition version 9.2,

    I am experiencing an abnormal behavior when generating "Filesystem Resource Access" reports via web portal, the type of "Access" is not displayed in the…

  • Request auto population not working as expected

    Hi All,

    I am using One Identity version 9.2 and trying to auto populate values in request parameters so that end user will be able to see profile data and update it as required.

    I was trying to populate other parameters in request property based on user…

  • Request is automatically denied when manually escalated by the recipients managers manager

    We have an approval workflow where a request is routed to the recipients manager. The request can be escalated to the recipients managers manager, either via timeout, og manual escalation.
    This works in most cases, but if the recipients managers manager…

  • Filter on a large object list within Manager does not display

    Hi Community,

    I created a new DialogGroup for a special usecase.

    Beside other tasks, GroupMemebers schould be able to assign QERResources to a Person using the Manager-Tool.

    I added permissions to use the Launchpad- and Manager-Tool, forms, menu items…

  • MsgBox / Windows.Forms alternative for IdentityManagerWeb


    we implemented a couple of interactive Tasks (DialogMethod) used by admins working with the Manager Tool.

    For example we have the Task link account for ADSAccounts.

    1. In Manager you select an account and click "link account".
    2. Then a Windows…
  • unable to view Attestation case completion status on Manager tool.

    After triggering single object attestation from manager tool unable to see that open/closed attestation case from the below menu :

    Manager Tool-> Employees -> Select the employee for which single attestation case was executed -> Reports ->Attestation…

  • How to install Database Agent

    I'm having trouble installing the service after updating to 9.1. I'm currently running it in a command prompt. I see the documentation states that One Identity Manager Service plugin assists with installing the service, but I cant even find how…

  • Change manager's subordinates through web portal

    Hi everyone,

    I use OIM version 8.1.5 and I want change manager's subordinates through Web Portal keeping the previous subordinates' rights by default.

    Is it possible?

    Thanks in advace for the help.

    Have a nice day,


  • Change Manger through Web Portal

    Hi everyone,

    I use OIM version 81.5 and I want to change a default behaviour of OIM in the Web Portal.

    When a manager wants change his subordinates' manager, he click on the subordinate, then on "Master Data" and finally on the button "Assign new manager…

  • Error while deploying agent for DGE


    I am currently integrating One Identity Manager v. 8.1.5 with the Data Governance module.

    While deploying the agents for the Local Windows Computer and the Generic Host Type, the following error appears in the DGE log:

    Value cannot be null.

  • OOTB Mail Processes in PersonWantsOrg Table Not Working Properly

    Hello All,

    We are facing issue for Mail related process in Identity Manager version 8.2 . OOTB processes "VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg send mail when step granted" and "VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg send mail when step not granted" are not getting triggered…

  • How can I filter the values ​​from a drop-down menu of a custom field?

    Hello everybody.

    I've created a custom field in the Person that shows a drop-down menu.

    The table of the custom field has a column with the uidDepartment reported.


    custom table:

    column1                                 column2

    customValue1                       uid_department1

    customValue2                       u…

  • Employee Manager Role for only Active Employees

    Good afternoon. Tell me, please.
    The following role exists - Base roles\Employee Managers.
    It is necessary that this role is displayed only for working employees.
    The following problem arose. When an employee quits, his manager is displayed in the manager…

  • Customize the Manager view that displays the Person System Roles

    Hi all

    We are trying to customize the Manager view that displays the Person System Roles.

    When you load a Person in the Manager, you can find the “Assign System Roles” in the Tasks section. Once clicked, it opens a view in which there is the list of Person…

  • Manager Profilation: filtering on Person, AD Account, Sap Account views

    Hi Everyone,

    I have the need to filter three views for Manager, to give it to Help Desk.

    I have copied three permission groups from

    - VI_Person_UserInterface_and_Display_Rights

    - VI_ADS_UserInterface_and_Display_Rights

    - VI_SAP_UserInterface_and_Dis…

  • Dynamic Roles - Condition is greyed out


    For a specific Dynamic Role I can't edit it's condition because both Wizard and SQL condition are greyed out.

    Do you know how to make the condition editable?

    So far, the only difference I've noticed between randomly chosen dynamic roles is…

  • Is there a way to limit access to Designer/SyncEditor to Read-Only for System accounts?

    Hello Experts,

    I have a bit of an issue and looking to see if there is a solution.  Currently we are using OneIM 8.0.1.  Our whole team has System Accounts due to need for provisioning in manager.  I was wondering if there was a way to create custom roles…

  • Is there any view or stored procedure from where I can pull the data an object's data changes that areHi Team visible in Manger.?

    Hello All,

    I have been looking for query/view/store procedure in one identity database by which I can  get the change history of a particular selected object.

    Basically, this is what I am looking for at the data base side.


  • Not Able to update ObjectKeyManger field of AADUser for Few users. Not able to update Azure AD Manager field . ObjectKeyManger is grayed out for some user which are not even outstanding.

    For few Azure AD Accounts XmarkedforDeletion =0

    User's of Usertype = Guest in AzureAD -> I am not able to update the 'ObjectKeyManger ' (Display Name = Account Manager) column from Manager tool. It is grayed out.

    When I open the Table object…