In the current out-of-the-box feature, a user can only generate passcodes for their subordinates/direct reportes. For example, in the Angular dashboard, under the "My Responsibilities" tile, it lists:
- User 1
- User 2
As a user, I can generate…
In the current out-of-the-box feature, a user can only generate passcodes for their subordinates/direct reportes. For example, in the Angular dashboard, under the "My Responsibilities" tile, it lists:
As a user, I can generate…
Hi there, I wish you a happy and healthy new year
I have a following question (or a problem):
My admin-Identity has the AERoles Base roles\Operations support and Base roles\Operations support\Password helpdesk. Now I log in into the operations support…
I tried to set a cleartext password for Person.Password attribute (exp:Passw0rd1.) But when I tried "I have a passcode" function on Password Reset Web page, I faced an error "Failed to authenticate user: Not yet implemented -> [Hash function for key Passw0rd1…
Hi All ,
Have an issue where the manager can see the passcode set option for his employees. This does not have any functionality and does not do anything. But where can this be configured to be removed from the Webportal ?
Hey all,
What would be the most efficient way for account admins to either reset the password on user accounts, or generate a passcode to them to send them to set their password?
I setup the password self service for them, but for admins to manually…
We have used "CreatePasscode" method in the process to create passcode for user and trying to store that passcode in Person table. But, it needs hash value of this passcode. Is there OOTB script that can be called for this functionality? Version we…