• Query in a scrip with order by condition

    Hi everyone,

    I'm creating a custom scrip in which I need to execute a query with the order by clause. I specified it in the where caluse but there is a default "order by cn" in the final query. Here you can see the two queries.

    Where clasue…

  • Query from a View in a script

    We need to run a query in a Script. We have created a View that we will query. It is done this way because we want to simplify the script

    This is our code for the Query:

    Dim qPersonWantsOrg = Query.From("View_Avbestilling")

    View_Avbestilling is…

  • Orderby quering the database with script

    Hi all,


    I need to get the reasonHead from Decisiontype Unsubscribe on a Request but if on that request are started more Unsubscribe I need to get the last one made.

    Basically I need the orderby on Connection.getSingleValue or Connection.getSingleRow.