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Secure password extension

Hi experts,

Password Manager

We are currently NOT using the Q&A profile to authenticate users, so none of our Password Manager users are "Registered".

We are facing an issue when using the SPE plugin. When a user clicks on the forgot password link on windows logon screen, he gets the following error in Spanish: “No se ha podido entrar en contacto con el servidor”. In English would be something like: “Could not contact the server”.

We have activated the SPE logs on one of the workstations and we have seen the following error:

PID = 3888, TID = 3136, date: 30.05.2018, time: {11:01:42:966} (UTC +2:0): Call InternetCheckConnection( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/.../ActionName=Register&IdentificationDomain=%67%74%65%73%74%2e%6c%6f%63%61%6c&IdentificationAccount=&DCName=%64%63%31%67%74%65%73%74%2e%67%74%65%73%74%2e%6c%6f%63%61%6c&AcceptLanguage=es-es&CurrentLanguage.. ) : GetLastError() = 12007

We believe that since the user is not registered in password manager, the link that tries to open goes to the Q&A workflow, but it is disabled.

So we have two questions:

  1. How can we make the link go to our reset password workflow? (how do we edit the “ActionName=Register” part )
  2. Why is “&IdentificationAccount=” empty? Shouldn’t it have the user name?

Thank you a lot.

  • Out of the box Password Manager uses service connection points to obtain the URL that the SPE uses to connect.  Please check Password Manager Admin site under General Settings | Service Instances to see what URL is being used by the SPE.

    The service site is logon is anonymous therefore the user status in Password Manager will not affect the connection to the site itself.

    Q1: How can we make the link go to our reset password workflow? (how do we edit the “ActionName=Register” part )

    A1: The self-service URL is set in the Admin site as mentioned above, however if the client is off network the following solution may help with the issue

    Q2Why is “&IdentificationAccount=” empty? Shouldn’t it have the user name?

    A2: Since the logon is anonymous the user needs to enter in their user name for Password Manager to know the workflow to show.


    Stephen Yeomans

    Senior Technical Support Engineer

      P: 1 800.306.9329



  • Out of the box Password Manager uses service connection points to obtain the URL that the SPE uses to connect.  Please check Password Manager Admin site under General Settings | Service Instances to see what URL is being used by the SPE.

    The service site is logon is anonymous therefore the user status in Password Manager will not affect the connection to the site itself.

    Q1: How can we make the link go to our reset password workflow? (how do we edit the “ActionName=Register” part )

    A1: The self-service URL is set in the Admin site as mentioned above, however if the client is off network the following solution may help with the issue

    Q2Why is “&IdentificationAccount=” empty? Shouldn’t it have the user name?

    A2: Since the logon is anonymous the user needs to enter in their user name for Password Manager to know the workflow to show.


    Stephen Yeomans

    Senior Technical Support Engineer

      P: 1 800.306.9329



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