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New Active Roles Policies


We want to add 2 new policy's on user creation these are

Property Generation and Validation

. accountExpires (accountExpires)

.edsaMemberOf (edsaMemberOf)


But we want them to be optional not Must be specifed, how can this be done?




  • As Terrance noted, it would be helpful to better understand your requirement. I am particularly interested in the "memberof" piece as if you are trying to automate the control of group memberships in some manner, you may need to look at group-membership-specific provisioning policies (which are distinct from property value policies like you would use for expiry date).
  • As Terrance noted, it would be helpful to better understand your requirement. I am particularly interested in the "memberof" piece as if you are trying to automate the control of group memberships in some manner, you may need to look at group-membership-specific provisioning policies (which are distinct from property value policies like you would use for expiry date).
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