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New Active Roles Policies


We want to add 2 new policy's on user creation these are

Property Generation and Validation

. accountExpires (accountExpires)

.edsaMemberOf (edsaMemberOf)


But we want them to be optional not Must be specifed, how can this be done?




  • we already have policy setup for group memberships i.e via department. But if we have any extra groups to add, can this be done on user creation. We also may need to some users end dates , but no everyone. Is this possible. I can get for all users, but I want the option to optional ?
  • we already have policy setup for group memberships i.e via department. But if we have any extra groups to add, can this be done on user creation. We also may need to some users end dates , but no everyone. Is this possible. I can get for all users, but I want the option to optional ?
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