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Workflow to add a user to an Admin group, then automatically remove them in X days.

    Management has asked that we limit the time a user is a member of the Enterprise Admins group.  I am copying a workflow that we use for approval of membership in the Domain Admins group, however I see no way to add a time component to the workflow.  Is there any way a workflow triggered from an AD action can grant temporary group access?

  • This appears to be a triggered workflow so having parameters wouldn't be as useful. The parameters would have to be static values since a triggered workflow doesn't provide the end user the opportunity to provide input.

    So, the following script module will do what you're looking to do without the need for parameters:

    function temporalGroupMembership($Request){
        for($i = 0; $i -lt $Request.PropertyCount; $i++)
             $item = $Request.Item($i)
             $attr = $item.Name
             if ($attr -eq 'member'){
                 $operation = $item.ControlCode
                 if ($operation -eq $Constants.ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND){
                     $item.Values | %{
                            $groupDN = $Request.DN
                            $member = $_
                            $days = 5 #days to schedule the removal
                            $time = (Get-Date).AddDays($days).ToUniversalTime()
                            $hash = @{}
                            Remove-QADGroupMember -Identity $groupDN -Member $member -Control $hash

    Since your workflow is being triggered based on any operation for that group, assuming that's to approve any and all changes, I added in a piece that makes sure it only runs the scheduled removal when a member is being added to the group. Other operations will be ignored.

  • This appears to be a triggered workflow so having parameters wouldn't be as useful. The parameters would have to be static values since a triggered workflow doesn't provide the end user the opportunity to provide input.

    So, the following script module will do what you're looking to do without the need for parameters:

    function temporalGroupMembership($Request){
        for($i = 0; $i -lt $Request.PropertyCount; $i++)
             $item = $Request.Item($i)
             $attr = $item.Name
             if ($attr -eq 'member'){
                 $operation = $item.ControlCode
                 if ($operation -eq $Constants.ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND){
                     $item.Values | %{
                            $groupDN = $Request.DN
                            $member = $_
                            $days = 5 #days to schedule the removal
                            $time = (Get-Date).AddDays($days).ToUniversalTime()
                            $hash = @{}
                            Remove-QADGroupMember -Identity $groupDN -Member $member -Control $hash

    Since your workflow is being triggered based on any operation for that group, assuming that's to approve any and all changes, I added in a piece that makes sure it only runs the scheduled removal when a member is being added to the group. Other operations will be ignored.

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