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DBQueue tasks not getting processed



I am using One Identity manager version 7.1

At first, I installed the application with a blank 1Im database and configured the Job servers as well as the services. Everything was working fine so far.

Then, I restored another v7.1 database with production like data on above schema database and installed additional components related to Azure AD and cloud connectivity and reconfigured the database and job services.

Thereafter, Job server and services are running fine but the DB queue has stopped processing showing "Wait for DBQueue processor" message in compilation window and "Waiting for compiler" at 2nd or 3rd step. Although I did a force compile but still it didn't work.

After that, I also tried to remove these compilation steps from DBQueue manually but still it doesn't process further tasks.

Now, I just see "Trace flag 2453 should be enabled" message in Dialog journal from DBQueue processor program and QBM_PDBQueueProcess_Main Job/SP appearing every 2 hours but the processing in DBQueue doesn't start.

Could anyone please help me with this issue.

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