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process orchestration loop

Hi, I have a question regarding process orchestration. I want to send email notifications to different administrators based on the access resource a user has. So In the process orchestration instead of creating individual step-blocks like:

if user has resource A then send email to Admin A

if user has resource B then send email to Admin B


Is there a way I can run a block in a loop to send emails to all respective administrators?

(I know how to pass a array of resources and admin emails to the step-block in process orchestration)




  • To make it really simple You might create a function that would iterate through all user resources and as a result produce proper list of addresses. Here You have a complete freedom how You generate that list.

    Than just call that function from the recipient address field in the process. (with maybe adding some conditions on which cases to use this function)
  • I could do that, but then I would have to send the same email to all that addresses, I was planning to send separate email contents to the respective addresses.
  • I think the better approach might be to use the generation scripts to create a process collection variable to hold recipient and pointer for the email.
  • Thanks George. So how do we create a pointer to an email template on the process step? What type of process step would that be. I usually use the SenRichMail on the process step
  • Without looking at it and from memory, the email templates are stored in DialogRichMail. So you will need to have a script in the pre-processor script that finds the template and adds it to the process collection. Then the first step will use SendRichMail with the template value of $PC("someValue")$