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Transport of IT Shop approval workflows and policies

We have an IT Shop approval workflow that is about 26 steps long which references many custom Business Roles for approvals.   Is there a way to transport IT Shop workflows using the Data Transporter tool?  Having to re-create the workflow when moving to another environment would be tiresome.

  • Hi,

    Of course ..... you have a few choices ..... either use the 'Transport of selected objects and dependencies' option in the Transporter tool ... select PWODecisionMethod. Or use the built-in change label functionality in Manager: Open your approval workflow for edit > right mouse click on the background > Properties... > Change labels > Click here to assign one > add related objects (if required) > Save.

    HTH, Barry.
  • Thanks for the reply Barry.

    So I've tried both methods and both methods end up with an error regarding a dependency on Business Role class or Org Root.  The workflow contains many approval steps that refer to users that belong to Business Roles under a Business Role class.  I manually created these roles and class in the other environment to see if that would fix the issue, but it does not.  It seems that it is looking specifically for the OrgRoot UID, which doesn't make sense because of course they would be different in the two environments.  Is there something I'm missing?

    Screen shots of using the Data Transporter Tool:

    Transport through change label:


  • Obviously the workflow contains steps with a relation to Orgs (business roles) - for example „OR“ (Members of a certain role) or “OM” (Manager of a specific role).

    The screenshot shows that the related Orgs have been exported too.

    But these orgs are linked to an OrgRoot (Role class) which is not contained in the Transport.

    And this OrgRoot ("Job roles") doesn’t exist in the target database.
    Or: The OrgRoot exists there but with a different UID.


    We have defined in the default which dependend objects will be exported automatically.

    Not all dependencies are affected, it would be too much.

     And the OrgRoot of an Org is NOT marked to be exported automatically, that's why it was not added to the Transport.



    Transport the OrgRoot with an extra Transport before.
    Or if the OrgRoot already exists with a different UID: Change the UID. The same objects must have the same UID in every OneIM database.
    For that purpose I can provide a SQL script.

    Following you can import the decision workflow.

  • Thanks for the response Steffen. UID is different in both environments and I think that's causing the issue. Would you mind sharing the script to change the UID. In ObjBrowser it is a read only column

    Thanks in advance
  • Here it is.

    -- Replace the UID of an OrgRoot
    declare @UID_Old varchar(36) = '650027C4-A804-4A30-B8DE-20ECD2A9EA5B'
    declare @UID_New varchar(36) = '1ca216dc-3cf2-4926-9ff5-a545e07a326e'
    -- Create a new OrgRoot with the new UID
    insert into OrgRoot
    select @UID_New, --new UID
    UID_OrgAttestator, Description, IsTopDown, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated,
    Ident_OrgRoot, XTouched, '<Key><T>OrgRoot</T><P>' + @UID_New + '</P></Key>',
    IsDelegable, XMarkedForDeletion, UID_OrgType
    from OrgRoot
    where UID_OrgRoot = @UID_Old
    -- Switch the child objects to the new OrgRoot
    -- will be done by the DB trigger
    update OrgRootAssign
    set UID_OrgRoot = @UID_New
    where UID_OrgRoot = @UID_Old
    -- update OrgRootAssign based on the old settings
    update OrgRootAssign
    set IsAssignmentAllowed = o.IsAssignmentAllowed, IsDirectAssignmentAllowed = o.IsDirectAssignmentAllowed
    from OrgRootAssign
    join OrgRootAssign o
    	on	OrgRootAssign.UID_OrgRoot = @UID_New
    	and o.UID_OrgRoot = @UID_Old
    	and OrgRootAssign.UID_BaseTreeAssign = o.UID_BaseTreeAssign
    -- disable the trigger, it would disallow the change of the UID_OrgRoot
    exec QBM_PTriggerDisable 'BaseTree', 'QER_TUBaseTree'
    update BaseTree
    set UID_OrgRoot = @UID_New
    where UID_OrgRoot = @UID_Old
    exec QBM_PTriggerEnable 'BaseTree', 'QER_TUBaseTree'
    -- delete the old OrgRoot
    delete OrgRoot
    where UID_OrgRoot = @UID_Old

    The same was used by Barry.

    And he told me that it worked properly.


    In the top of the script you have to define 2 variables with the old and the new UID.



  • Thanks Steffen/Barry. This worked.