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How to delete an entrance from table PersonInOrg (through DB)?

Hi everyone,

I want to create a process which triggers when a user gets deactivate.

This process has two parts:

  1. It unsubscribes already all "assigned" requests -> DONE

  2. I want to delete all existing entrances in the table PersonInOrg in case this user is member of any Group/role... -> (that´s my question for you all)

I tried to delete directly the entrances with a whereclause but it is not possible according to the XOrigin value.

I updated the field "XMarkedForDeletion" in the PersonInOrg table, but nothing happended.

Any ideas?

thanks a lot in advance.


  • Deleting PersonInOrg objects via HandleObjectComponent should only remove the direct assignment v7+.

    If there are other assignment sources (e.g. indirect assignment), the entry will not be remoed. You need to make sure all assignment sources are revoked. Once XOrigin hits 0. the entry will be removed by a separate process.

  • Deleting PersonInOrg objects via HandleObjectComponent should only remove the direct assignment v7+.

    If there are other assignment sources (e.g. indirect assignment), the entry will not be remoed. You need to make sure all assignment sources are revoked. Once XOrigin hits 0. the entry will be removed by a separate process.
