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How to add permissions on custom column


We tried to create custom permission group of all the OOTB permission groups which were required for the custom column and added those permissions on the custom column but it is not working. Am I missing anything here? Do I need to configure anything else for this to work? Please suggest. Thank you.

  • Hard to answer that question without knowing the version used, what type of permissions you have added, what operation is failing exactly and where, which authenticator you have used, how you have created the custom permission group etc.

    We do have a complete video series on our YouTube channel dealing with the different permission options. It might be worth a look 

  • Answers to your questions

    1. We are using version 8.0

    2. We created a custom permission group of VI_4_AllManager and assigned this permission group to a custom column. For this custom column, we had checked "Can View" and "Can Insert" which means, user should be able to insert the data in custom column if there is no data available but if data is there, it should not be editable. This same permission is working for OOTB column but not for custom column.

    3. Created custom permission group using the wizard available

  • Answers to your questions

    1. We are using version 8.0

    2. We created a custom permission group of VI_4_AllManager and assigned this permission group to a custom column. For this custom column, we had checked "Can View" and "Can Insert" which means, user should be able to insert the data in custom column if there is no data available but if data is there, it should not be editable. This same permission is working for OOTB column but not for custom column.

    3. Created custom permission group using the wizard available
