how is the clientId being passed to the token endpoint? Is it in header in Authorization? or as part of Body? or Both?

In an attempt to get token from SSO.  The oneIdentity does a call to /token endpoint of SSO.
Usually, the client id and secret is passed either as header or as body
an example:
/token HTTP/1.1^M
Connection: close^M
Authorization: Basic aXNhbXJwOnhKcklJSnlQa2xUSkNmx
Accept: application/json^M
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded^M
Cache-Control: no-cache^M
Pragma: no-cache^M
Need to know from OneIdentity side:
how is the clientId being passed to the token endpoint?
Is it in header in Authorization? or as part of Body? or Both?
Parents Reply
  • We are trying to configure Oauth authentiction in one IM with IBM cloud idenntity connect.
    Post configuration when we are testing authentication then post authentication One IM throwing error

     invalid_client : A confidential client attampted to access the token endpoint without authenticating.

    We have checked all configuration and looks fine only. So we need to understannd above request.
