Business Role owner cannot remove members

we have around 300 business roles published as assignment resource on IT shop. Currently role owners can only see role information on IT shop.

However, they annot remove members unlike manager of AD group, where group manager can remove members from IT shop. Is this the default behavior? I couldn't figure out permissions to allow member removal option to the role owners, anyone has any insight on this?

Best regards,


Parents Reply
  • So here is the point. The product owner is not the owner of the business role.

    The owners of the business roles are defined at the business role itself (Org.UID_PersonHead, Org.UID_PersonHeadSecond). The product owners are merely some additional owners in that use-case.

    For AD Groups, you only have the product owners as "Real" owners, because there are no properties that would define an identity (Person) as owner.

