Issue with mail template script

Hello experts,

I am calling a script in my approval mail template but getting some weird error while script being called.

Am I missing any connection string here?

Error : 

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
at Designer.ScriptEditor.ScriptTestEditor.ExecuteScript(ScriptItem sItem)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0.

Code : 

<BaseObjectTypeAttribute("PwOHelperPwO")> _
Public Function CCC_GetProductIdentfromRequest( ByVal dbPwOHelperPwO As ISingleDbObject) As String
Dim scriptErrorBase As String = "Script Error [CCC_GetProductIdentfromRequest]"
Dim returnValue As iDatareader
Dim results As New StringBuilder
Dim connData As ConnectData = DbApp.Instance.Connect(VID_GetValueOfDialogdatabases("ConnectionString"))
Dim cSQL As SqlExecutor = Connection.CreateSqlExecutor(connData.PublicKey)
Dim pwoUID As String = dbPwoHelperPwo.GetValue("UID_PersonWantsOrg")

Dim myQuery As String = String.Format("select " &
"apg.Ident_AccProductGroup " &
"from PersonWantsOrg pwo" &
" inner join QERAssign qas" &
" On pwo.ObjectKeyOrdered = qas.XObjectKey" &
" inner join AccProduct apd" &
" On qas.UID_AccProduct = apd.UID_AccProduct" &
" inner join AccProductGroup apg" &
" On apd.UID_AccProductGroup = apg.UID_AccProductGroup " &
"where pwo.UID_PersonWantsOrg = '{0}'",pwoUID)
returnValue = cSQL.SqlExecute(String.Format(myQuery))

While returnValue.Read()
End While
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", scriptErrorBase, myQuery, ex))
End Try

Return results.ToString

End Function

<BaseObjectTypeAttribute("RPSSubscription")> _
Public Function CCC_GetProductIdentfromRPSSub(ByVal dbRPSSubscription As ISingleDbObject) As String
Dim scriptErrorBase As String = "Script Error [CCC_GetProductIdentfromRPSSub]"
Dim repSubUID As String = dbRPSSubscription.GetValue("UID_RPSSubscription")

Dim targetApp As String = String.Empty

Dim returnValue As IDataReader
Dim results As New StringBuilder
Dim connData As ConnectData = DbApp.Instance.Connect(VID_GetValueOfDialogdatabases("ConnectionString"))
Dim cSQL As SqlExecutor = Connection.CreateSqlExecutor(connData.PublicKey)

Dim myQuery As String = String.Format("SELECT dp.ParameterValue " &
"from RPSSubscription rps " &
"inner join RPSReport rpr " &
" On rps.uid_rpsreport = rpr.uid_rpsreport " &
"inner join DialogParameterSet dps " &
" On dps.objectKeyUsedBy = rps.XObjectKey " &
"inner join DialogParameter dp " &
" On dp.UID_DialogParameterSet = dps.UID_DialogParameterSet " &
"Where dp.ParameterName = 'ApplicationName' And rps.UID_RPSSubscription = '{0}' " &
"Or dp.ParameterName = 'UIDCSMRoot' And rps.UID_RPSSubscription = '{0}'", repSubUID)

returnValue = cSQL.SqlExecute(myQuery)

If Not returnValue Is Nothing Then
scriptErrorBase = scriptErrorBase + " returnValue has value"
While returnValue.Read()
scriptErrorBase = scriptErrorBase + " read returnValue"

Dim paramValue As String = String.Empty
'A simple report does not require an application name so this value may be empty if it has a value
' it is the CSMRoot - see next query.
If Not returnValue("ParameterValue") Is Nothing Then
paramValue = returnValue("ParameterValue").ToString()
scriptErrorBase = scriptErrorBase + " returnValue 'ParameterValue' is Nothing"
End If

scriptErrorBase = scriptErrorBase + "assigned paramValue from returnValue"

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(paramValue) Then
End If

End While
End If

Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", scriptErrorBase, myQuery, ex))
End Try

If Not results Is Nothing Then
targetApp = results.ToString()
End If

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetApp) Then
'simple reports have a parameterName refering to the CSMRoot which is related to the application name.
If targetApp.Contains("-") Then
myQuery = String.Format("SELECT Ident_CSMRoot FROM CSMRoot WHERE UID_CSMRoot = '{0}'", targetApp)
'clear previous results
targetApp = String.Empty

returnValue = cSQL.SqlExecute(String.Format(myQuery))

While returnValue.Read()
End While

Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", scriptErrorBase, myQuery, ex))
End Try

targetApp = results.ToString()

End If

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetApp) Then
targetApp = String.Format("Application: {0}", targetApp)
End If

End If

Return targetApp

End Function

  • I did decrypt my connection string but still script is failing  updated code is as below 

    Public Function CCC_GetProductIdentfromRequest( ByVal dbPwOHelperPwO As ISingleDbObject) As String
        Dim scriptErrorBase As String = "Script Error [CCC_GetProductIdentfromRequest]"
        Dim returnValue As iDatareader
        Dim results As New StringBuilder
        Dim lineProvider As New DbLineProvider()
            lineProvider.ProviderName = "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=**************"
            'TEST DEBUG!
            'lineProvider.ConnectionString = "Data Source=""*******.*****.***\DSPAC29, 40039"";Initial Catalog=D1IM;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False"
            'MANUAL EDIT: Neil Stevenson - Read from main database, so use current connection string
            lineProvider.ConnectionString = NES_Utils_Decrypt(VID_GetValueOfDialogdatabases("ConnectionString"))
        Dim connData As ConnectData = DbApp.Instance.Connect(lineProvider.ConnectionString)
        Dim cSQL As SqlExecutor = Connection.CreateSqlExecutor(connData.PublicKey)
        Dim pwoUID As String = dbPwoHelperPwo.GetValue("UID_PersonWantsOrg")
        Dim myQuery As String = String.Format("select " &
                                "apg.Ident_AccProductGroup " &
                                "from PersonWantsOrg pwo" &
                                " inner join QERAssign qas" &
                                "  On pwo.ObjectKeyOrdered = qas.XObjectKey" &
                                " inner join AccProduct apd" &
                                "  On qas.UID_AccProduct = apd.UID_AccProduct" &
                                " inner join AccProductGroup apg" &
                                "  On apd.UID_AccProductGroup = apg.UID_AccProductGroup " &
                                "where pwo.UID_PersonWantsOrg = '{0}'",pwoUID)
            returnValue = cSQL.SqlExecute(String.Format(myQuery))
            While returnValue.Read()
            End While
        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw New Exception(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", scriptErrorBase, myQuery, ex))
        End Try
        Return results.ToString
    End Function
    <BaseObjectTypeAttribute("RPSSubscription")> _
    Public Function CCC_GetProductIdentfromRPSSub(ByVal dbRPSSubscription As ISingleDbObject) As String
        Dim scriptErrorBase As String = "Script Error [CCC_GetProductIdentfromRPSSub]"
        Dim repSubUID As String = dbRPSSubscription.GetValue("UID_RPSSubscription")
        Dim targetApp As String = String.Empty
        Dim returnValue As IDataReader
        Dim results As New StringBuilder
        Dim lineProvider As New DbLineProvider()
            lineProvider.ProviderName = "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=****************"
            'TEST DEBUG!
            'lineProvider.ConnectionString = "Data Source=""*********.*******.****\DSPAC29, 40039"";Initial Catalog=D1IM;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False"
            'MANUAL EDIT: Neil Stevenson - Read from main database, so use current connection string
            lineProvider.ConnectionString = NES_Utils_Decrypt(VID_GetValueOfDialogdatabases("ConnectionString"))
        Dim connData As ConnectData = DbApp.Instance.Connect(lineProvider.ConnectionString)
        Dim cSQL As SqlExecutor = Connection.CreateSqlExecutor(connData.PublicKey)
        Dim myQuery As String = String.Format("SELECT dp.ParameterValue " &
                    "from RPSSubscription rps " &
                        "inner join RPSReport rpr " &
                        "   On rps.uid_rpsreport = rpr.uid_rpsreport " &
                        "inner join DialogParameterSet dps " &
                        "   On dps.objectKeyUsedBy = rps.XObjectKey " &
                        "inner join DialogParameter dp  " &
                        "   On dp.UID_DialogParameterSet = dps.UID_DialogParameterSet " &
                    "Where dp.ParameterName = 'ApplicationName' And rps.UID_RPSSubscription = '{0}' " &
                        "Or dp.ParameterName = 'UIDCSMRoot' And rps.UID_RPSSubscription = '{0}'", repSubUID)
            returnValue = cSQL.SqlExecute(myQuery)
            If Not returnValue Is Nothing Then
                scriptErrorBase = scriptErrorBase + " returnValue has value"
                While returnValue.Read()
                    scriptErrorBase = scriptErrorBase + " read returnValue"
                    Dim paramValue As String = String.Empty
                    'A simple report does not require an application name so this value may be empty if it has a value
                    ' it is the CSMRoot - see next query.
                    If Not returnValue("ParameterValue") Is Nothing Then
                        paramValue = returnValue("ParameterValue").ToString()
                        scriptErrorBase = scriptErrorBase + " returnValue 'ParameterValue' is Nothing"
                    End If
                    scriptErrorBase = scriptErrorBase + "assigned paramValue from returnValue"
                    If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(paramValue) Then
                    End If
                End While
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw New Exception(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", scriptErrorBase, myQuery, ex))
        End Try
        If Not results Is Nothing Then
            targetApp = results.ToString()
        End If
        If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetApp) Then
            'simple reports have a parameterName refering to the CSMRoot which is related to the application name.
            If targetApp.Contains("-") Then
                myQuery = String.Format("SELECT Ident_CSMRoot FROM CSMRoot WHERE UID_CSMRoot = '{0}'", targetApp)
                'clear previous results
                targetApp = String.Empty
                    returnValue = cSQL.SqlExecute(String.Format(myQuery))
                    While returnValue.Read()
                    End While
                Catch ex As Exception
                    Throw New Exception(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", scriptErrorBase, myQuery, ex))
                End Try
                targetApp = results.ToString()
            End If
            If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetApp) Then
                targetApp = String.Format("Application: {0}", targetApp)
            End If
        End If
        Return targetApp
    End Function``` can you help me?
  • Are you still seeing the same error message?

    But to be honest, it is not common practice to access the system using pure SQL as you are doing here in your script. My proposal is to rewrite your code to use the object layer to fetch the data.