What is the proper way of closing Attestation Run ?

For example i've startet a Attestation of some Objects(5000). The Attestation Policy is set for 7 days (Time required). After this period 3000 Attestation Cases are closed with granted/deny decision. So when i want to close this run i need to do something with the rest 2000 Attestation Cases. What is the proposal ? Is is enough with SQL ? Like " Set IsClosed = 1 " on every Attestation Case . 

I was thinking what happens wenn the "Close obsolete tasks automatically" checkbox is checked and  the Attestation starts again. I know it closes all the opened Attestation Cases and open new ones. But how OIM closes these Attestation Cases ?

If anyone has some inputs, I'll be happy to read them :)

Thank you


  • Hi Pavol,

    I certainly would not go updating your attestation cases with SQL. You should be aware that when you use SQL you circumvent the object layer and can thus cause a lot of 'grief' and strange situations in your system... Slight smile

    What the correct functional way to handle these attesation cases is really depends on what you want the system to do (is it high risk etc).

    From a technical perspective however if you want to close them properly (like One Identity does) take a look at the methods defined on the attestation cases.

    The method that can / should be used is the 'Make Decision' method. You can most easily call these with the process step 'CallMethod' with the specific method you call being 'MakeDecision'.

    You can find some more details on how that works here: https://support.oneidentity.com/technical-documents/identity-manager/8.2.1/attestation-administration-guide/27 (this is for 8.2.1 but it hasn't significantly changed in V9 ;) ).

  • Hi Pavol,

    I certainly would not go updating your attestation cases with SQL. You should be aware that when you use SQL you circumvent the object layer and can thus cause a lot of 'grief' and strange situations in your system... Slight smile

    What the correct functional way to handle these attesation cases is really depends on what you want the system to do (is it high risk etc).

    From a technical perspective however if you want to close them properly (like One Identity does) take a look at the methods defined on the attestation cases.

    The method that can / should be used is the 'Make Decision' method. You can most easily call these with the process step 'CallMethod' with the specific method you call being 'MakeDecision'.

    You can find some more details on how that works here: https://support.oneidentity.com/technical-documents/identity-manager/8.2.1/attestation-administration-guide/27 (this is for 8.2.1 but it hasn't significantly changed in V9 ;) ).

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