PersonInOrg API miss in portal qerClient

The method that calls the /portal/candidates/PersonInOrg endpoint (standard API) is not present in Agular Project's qerClient.

There are methods for PeronInAERole, PersonInDepartment, PersonInProfitCenter... But PersonInOrg miss.

In API Server --> API documentation I can see the specified endpoint (/portal/candidates/PersonInOrg)

How can I call that standard API endpoint?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Markus, thanks for your reply.

    I tried to import rmb api service:

    import { RmbApiService } from '../../../../../rmb/src/lib/rmb-api-client.service';

    but I receive error in compilation:

    ERROR: projects/rmb/src/lib/rmb-api-client.service.ts:1:1 - error TS6059: File 'MYPATH/imxweb/projects/rmb/src/lib/rmb-api-client.service.ngtypecheck.ts' is not under
    'rootDir' 'MYPATH\imxweb\projects\qer\src'. 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files.

    Do I need to change some configuration in my project?
