• Creating a report / Maximal member count of a Group (ADSGroup, AADGroup) in last month

    Hi there, is there an OOTB functionality to set a report of the historical group memberships?

    We have customers who receive a monthly invoice. The quantities are calculated based on the memberships in AD or AAD groups, specifically the maximum number from…

  • How to find the history of users when they are in and out of a business role through dynamic role calculation?

    HI All,

    I have been looking how can I get the history information of any user who is being assigned/removed from a Business role via. a dynamic role calculation. 

    When I click on "Reports - Overview with Business roles and user accounts(incl. history)"…

  • Auditing an executed job to find who or what triggered an event.

    Hello Experts,

    I am in need of some assistance.  We had an incident where a few users got removed from a group and i've been tasked to find out how and who did it.  i found the job that did it but it says it was done by "sa" and when i look at created…

  • HistoryDB / DBQueue does not process any entries

    Hi ,
    after the first problem has been solved, historization does not seem to be going smoothly. We are using version 8.0.3. 

    If we start the schedule "Import process information directly" manually, the job "VI_SourceDatabase_Import" is set…

  • History DB / How to configure HDB to use more than one database for history


    we ask ourselves, how do we progress in the following question - how to configure the history db to use more than one database. 

    Our goal is to build a history db for every year.  

    • HDB1 for 2019
    • HDB2 for 2020
    • HDB3 for 2021

    In the end there should…

  • Completed requests either do not show or show in Canceled Requests....

    Hello All,

    when a person requests something on IT Shop, if the request was approved and completed it doesn't show in Approved request under request history for that person... There are times it won't show those requests at all or they will end up in…

  • Very Large HistoryDB Transaction Log

    Recently, we re-enabled the HistoryDB after the client had been disabled for some time. Once we reenable, we noticed the HistoryDB’s transaction log grew very large very fast until it ran we out of space the drive.  So we decided to review the history…

  • How to check user level audit events in web portal


    I observed that manager can see History of his subordinate. But only memberships and entitlements are visible on that page. Is it possible to show password history event as on it? Or is there any other way to show password history event of the subordinate…

  • History DB related query

    We are able to setup history DB and able to export and import data. I can see Job history, process info etc exported and imported to HDB. I have below major quires.


    1. How can we generate reports on HDB what data is imported and when or what exported from…
  • Use of history db.

    We are able to setup history DB and able to export and import data. I can see Job history, process info etc exported and imported to HDB. I have below quires.


    1. How can we generate reports on HDB what data is imported and when or what exported from current…
  • Not data on HDB Manager

    Hello everyone,


    We've installed the History database. We can export data from main database and after, import it to History database. We see records on Historyjobs, DialogWatchOperation tables...



    The problem is that we can not see nothing on HDB…

  • History DB: Import Process information directly


    I installed corresponding to our documentation a History DB. The History DB is installed on the same server and uses the same DB User like the Identity Manager DB. If I start the schedule "Import process information directly" in the History DB Designer…

  • History DB

    Hello everyone,

    Im installing the HistoryDB and Im having some issues...

    We have followed the administration guide, we have more than 300k registers ready to export (JobHistory and DialgWatchOperation tables ).  The configuration that we have followed on…