• TSB_PersonHasTSBAccountDef_Autodelete_Account - Azure Account

    Hi Team,

    I am trying to delete Azure Account which is assigned to account def using some defined condition set in dynamic role.

    I have created a business role and created dynamic role and then assigned azure account def to role.

    when user gets deleted…

  • Change the Display pattern of AD-Groups

    Hey guys,

    How can I change the display pattern of the result list of AD groups when I try to assign a group to an AD user?

    Right now it shows the display names of the groups, but I want to change it to the CN.

    I am talking about the interface where…

  • Processes in series

    Hello everyone,

    I would like to set the execution of a process to run in series rather than in parallel as it currently does by default.
    Is that possible?

    I'm using One Identity Manager 9.2 on demand.

    Thank you,

  • Unable to assign permission sets in Salesforce using SCIM connector

    Hello Experts,

    We are working on version 9.0 LTS and we are trying to assign permission sets using UCIGroup3 (system entitlemnets 3 ) table. UCI_UCIGroup3_Update job is getting completed but permission set is not getting assigned. IsGroup3 column is set…

  • sendrichmail failing

    Hi Team,

    Send rich mail failing for the last 2 days with below error message.

    Can anyone suggest here how to fix the error?

    ErrorMessages (2024-11-18 04:36:52.413) UseDefaultCredentials is not supported anymore.
    [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException] No connection…

  • security mechanisms are available for Remote job server?

    How Remote job server data can be secured/hardened apart from OS security and if there are any mechanisms that can be configured to achieve a high level of security such as encryption of data, access controls for jobs, data timestamps/checksums.


  • Active Directory - managing disabled accounts


    I'd like to ask for a recommendation for a scenario where there are two AD domains and in one of the domains all accounts should be managed in disabled state.

    Accounts from one domain are managed in a default way so when an identity is terminated…

  • Custom Shopping Cart Checks

    Hi All,

    We are having an issue with the Shopping Cart checks for One Identity Manager OnDemand v. 9.2.1.

    We implemented and activated the compliance rules on SAP authoritative objects and now, when we perform a request for SAP Roles from the IT Shop…

  • Manage Entra roles and pim groups


    Is there and way to manage group and roles with eligible users in One IM 9.2



  • Inactivity timeout in angular portal

    is there any feature available in the Angular portal that will terminate a user's session if they are inactive for a certain period of time, requiring them to log in again to access the portal? not session timeout, inactivity timeout i meant.

    • inactivity…
  • The RPC Server is Unavailable

    We get this error while provisioning an AD User on Target System.  User was able to created with no password. You can see the error details below link. We are getting some password policy requeriment error in the logs even we have tried to give manualy…

  • Load collection distinct()

    I am trying to load a collection using IEntitySource.GetCollection method. I need to have distinct values in this collection so I am trying to use Distinct() method after loading the collection. However, the next method should use an IEntityCollection…

  • How to Enable Passcode Generation for All Identities in Angular Web Portal as a Session User

    In the current out-of-the-box feature, a user can only generate passcodes for their subordinates/direct reportes. For example, in the Angular dashboard, under the "My Responsibilities" tile, it lists:

    • User 1
    • User 2

    As a user, I can generate…

  • Select with distinct in api collection

    I am trying to load a collection using IEntitySource.GetCollection method. I need to have distinct values in this collection so I am trying to use Distinct() method after loading the collection. However, the next method should use an IEntityCollection…

  • Unable to find the specified file.

    Hello team,

    Recently we started updating one identity manager from 8.2 to 8.2.1, but during the database update in the configuration wizard, the "Automatic Update" is being failed with the following error message.

    Is there any solution to resolve…

  • Integrating Safeguard Portal Access with ITShop Request Approval in Identity Manager 9.2.1

    I have integrated Identity Manager 9.2.1 with Safeguard SPP and SPS. How can I make it so that when a user requests a password or a session from the ITShop, once the request is approved, the user can open the Safeguard portal from the request details…

  • In Add to cart section's Edit product form, Reason field is not required in Angular Portal. Need this field as mandatory field

    in the "Add to Cart" section, the session user can submit a request without filling out the "Reason" field for the products.

    Is this the default behavior in V9? If yes, what configurations are needed to make the "Reason" field required…

  • Custom Angular API for triggering a process

    I'd like to trigger a process through a press of a button on 9.2.x Angular portal. I've checked API documentation but can't seem to find the correct API for my need.
    Do any APIs like this already exist that I might have overlooked? If no, would…

  • Restricting Managers from Modifying the Employee Type Attribute in the Web Portal, Allowing Only helpDesk Role Members to Edit

    How can I restrict that when a Manager creates a new identity from the Web Portal, they cannot modify the value of the Employee Type attribute, and only users who are members of a business role called helpDesk can do so?

  • [1777124] Error running synchronization step (Mailboxstatistics) of synchronization configuration (Provisioning (Provisioning)).

    Hello Community, I moved from Exchange 2016 to 2019 and this new error seems to be happening when provisioning. The mailbox looks to be provisioned but this error occurs. Has anyone experienced this? I'm running 9.0.1 LTS.

    ErrorMessages (2024-09-30…

  • Custom tables on Angular Web

    What would be the high level process for displaying a custom table in the angular web portal? Do we need to create APIs for the CCC_Tables?

  • update AD DC to AD VIP

    Does the AD sync engine have the capability to use an AD VIP (Virtual IP) instead of directly connecting to AD Domain Controllers? We are experiencing job failures due to AD DCs being non-operational for extended periods during the day.

  • Filter Business Role > Membership > Request memberships list

    Dear Experts,

    We have a business requirement that for certain Business Roles, when the manager clicks on the Request memberships button on the Memberships page, only those with a certain property ont he Employee object should appear in the list.
    Is there…

  • Restrict calendar values for a date field in Web designer

    Hi All,

    I am using One Identity Version 9.0.

    In the web designer there are date fields(Valid from and Valid to) that is taking input from the User in web portal.

    I want to display only certain date ranges in the calendar based on a particular query(already…

  • Getting an error while assigning SAP role to SAP user

    We are getting below error while trying to assign SAP role to SAP user. User account is created in the target system. Please help.

    (2024-09-19 11:43:14.337) [1777018] Error running synchronization project (SAP R/3 SGB CCS QA (SEQ - 300))'s workflow …