• Synchronization Editor - Script for Quota Variables


    with OI9 it is now possible to use variables the set quotas within the workflows of a Sync Project.

    I have used the variables before to write little scripts, and am wondering if I could write a generic script to have flexible quotas in any Sync Project…

  • How to read varibale from synch project variable set

    Hello group!!

    I have a Script property created in a Synch project mapping, and in the write script section of this propertie, I need the value of a variable defined in the Synch project variable set.

    I have tried to access the variable like this -> $MyVariable…

  • Variable set usage in a sync project


    I have a process that should call a startup configuration from a sync project. Depending on the CSV file that's being used in the process, I want to use a specific variable set. Is it possible to map that within the process step parameters or is it…