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Custom workflow - email user random generated password

 Hello guys,


I have just recently installed One Identity Password Manager version in our test-environment. We see that the existing workflows can not apply to our situation, and need to create a new simple custom workflow. We are looking for a self-selvice portal for our users where they simply can reset their password.


The workflow should consist of a user searching after his AD-user and then choose the custom workflow "Password email reset" workflow, a random generated password is set on the user account in AD (in addition: "user must change password at next logon" is checked), and an email is sent to the user with the password.


The best would be to email the user a link which he then access and set a new password - like the way facebook, gmail, etc do it. Is this possible? :)


Best regards


  • Hi Terrence,

    Thanks a lot for your time and help. I have managed to do a lot after your last post. I managed to retrieve the user information and domain. The passcode is being generated and sent to the email and logging is working. I have been debugging a lot to make it work.

    The only thing that is still not working is that the generated passcode is not assigned to the user-account. The following line does not seem to work:

    $global.QAProfileAssignPasscode($connection, $userId, $PASSCODE, $PASSCODE_LIFETIME)
    # Log to see if the passcode is set on the user
    "After the passcode is set:" | out-file d:\temp\scriptLogging.txt -append
    $PMUser | out-file d:\temp\scriptLogging.txt -append

    I also log to see if the passcode is set on the user, as you can see above. The result is:

    HasPasscode : False

    So my conclusion so far is that the "$global.QAProfileAssignPasscode" does not set the passcode on the user.

    What could be the reason for the passcode not being set? The passcode is being generated and sent to the users mail, and I have managed it to print out in the log. So that is not the issue.

    Kind regards
  • Hi Terrence,

    Thanks a lot for your time and help. I have managed to do a lot after your last post. I managed to retrieve the user information and domain. The passcode is being generated and sent to the email and logging is working. I have been debugging a lot to make it work.

    The only thing that is still not working is that the generated passcode is not assigned to the user-account. The following line does not seem to work:

    $global.QAProfileAssignPasscode($connection, $userId, $PASSCODE, $PASSCODE_LIFETIME)
    # Log to see if the passcode is set on the user
    "After the passcode is set:" | out-file d:\temp\scriptLogging.txt -append
    $PMUser | out-file d:\temp\scriptLogging.txt -append

    I also log to see if the passcode is set on the user, as you can see above. The result is:

    HasPasscode : False

    So my conclusion so far is that the "$global.QAProfileAssignPasscode" does not set the passcode on the user.

    What could be the reason for the passcode not being set? The passcode is being generated and sent to the users mail, and I have managed it to print out in the log. So that is not the issue.

    Kind regards
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