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Can requester, recipient and approver change input parameters once the request is raised?


I checked in the ITshop and understood that it is not possible to change input parameters of the request once the request is raised. But is it possible to customize this functionality so that requester, recipient can change input parameters of the request when the request is yet to be approved?

  • You can easily allow approvers to change the parameters if you select the checkbox Editable for approver on your request properties.

    By default, the requester and the recipient cannot change the parameters. What would you do if you have a 2 step approval workflow and the recipient decides after the 1 approver level as decided that he changes an important parameter the approver has based his decision on?

  • You can easily allow approvers to change the parameters if you select the checkbox Editable for approver on your request properties.

    By default, the requester and the recipient cannot change the parameters. What would you do if you have a 2 step approval workflow and the recipient decides after the 1 approver level as decided that he changes an important parameter the approver has based his decision on?
