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error while inserting user data into person table via script

We have script for inserting User data into Person table .Recently there is no insertion is happening due to below error ,

Insert User with ID 00005783
2018-06-25 14:51:28 +02:00 - Serious - Error in line 3051: [810023] Error during execution of statement: insert into Person (AS_CSVObjectID, AS_EMP_UNIQUE_HCM_ID, AS_PAYROLL_ID, AS_PER_ORG, CCC_CorpTitle, CentralAccount, CentralSAPAccount, City, DefaultEmailAddress, Description, EntryDate, FirstName, Initials, InternalName, LastName, PersonalTitle, PersonnelNumber, PreferredName, Street, UID_Department, UID_Locality, UID_Person, UID_PersonHead, UID_ProfitCenter, ZIPCode, xdateinserted, xuserinserted, xdateupdated, xuserupdated, xobjectkey)  values ('xxxxxxx',...............)
[810095] Trying to execute SQL command in canceled transaction: 

is there way to solve this error .Please suggest.

  • Hi,

    Did you find the cause/solution for this?

    Just today our DEV environment has started throwing this error when doing check and submit of the shopping cart:

    An exception has occurred while executing the form method F0_ctl00_ControlRef8_ControlRef15_ControlRef15_ControlRef8b_Main_Main_Tab1_ctl00_T0_ctl00_Button4_Method.

    One or more errors occurred.

    One or more errors occurred.

    Error rerunning transaction.

    Trying to execute SQL command in canceled transaction: insert into DialogProcess (GenProcID, BasisObjectType, ObjectKey, ProcessState, DisplayName, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated)

    select '2c0ce3eb-1ba7-4fc9-acca-b4aa8ea477b5', 'PersonWantsOrg', '<Key><T>PersonWantsOrg</T><P>7dba4c48-e3b5-4eb2-8405-518d2c3aafb7</P></Key>', 'G', N'Insert - Thanasis 3 - -', GetUTCDate(), GetUTCDate(), N'VeltenaarE', N'VeltenaarE'

    where not exists (select 1 from dialogprocess where GenProcID = '2c0ce3eb-1ba7-4fc9-acca-b4aa8ea477b5')

    (2018-07-03 10:46:34)d

    We have checked the database server and it has plenty of space ..... we have restarted the IIS server and the database server but the error still appears.

    Thanks, Barry.

  • Hi,

    Did you find the cause/solution for this?

    Just today our DEV environment has started throwing this error when doing check and submit of the shopping cart:

    An exception has occurred while executing the form method F0_ctl00_ControlRef8_ControlRef15_ControlRef15_ControlRef8b_Main_Main_Tab1_ctl00_T0_ctl00_Button4_Method.

    One or more errors occurred.

    One or more errors occurred.

    Error rerunning transaction.

    Trying to execute SQL command in canceled transaction: insert into DialogProcess (GenProcID, BasisObjectType, ObjectKey, ProcessState, DisplayName, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated)

    select '2c0ce3eb-1ba7-4fc9-acca-b4aa8ea477b5', 'PersonWantsOrg', '<Key><T>PersonWantsOrg</T><P>7dba4c48-e3b5-4eb2-8405-518d2c3aafb7</P></Key>', 'G', N'Insert - Thanasis 3 - -', GetUTCDate(), GetUTCDate(), N'VeltenaarE', N'VeltenaarE'

    where not exists (select 1 from dialogprocess where GenProcID = '2c0ce3eb-1ba7-4fc9-acca-b4aa8ea477b5')

    (2018-07-03 10:46:34)d

    We have checked the database server and it has plenty of space ..... we have restarted the IIS server and the database server but the error still appears.

    Thanks, Barry.
