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Job server is not processing anything


We have configured job server remotely and updated jobservice.cfg file. And we added the entry of job server in Designer. Service of this job server is running properly but jobs are not getting executed by this job server. We restarted the service, server but nothing is working out. Please guide to resolve this issue. Thank you.

Parents Reply Children
  • Below is the response of the query "select LastTimeoutCheck, getutcdate() from QBMServer where QueueName = '\REMOTEJOBSERVER2'"

    12/30/1899 12:00:00AM  7/17/2018 5:56:34 AM

  • check if autoupdate is enabled but the update server is not defined or not processing

    -- is auto update enabled
    select Value, IsEnabledResulting from DialogConfigParm where Fullpath = 'Common\Autoupdate'
    -- does file content look okay
    select len(FileContent), len(HashValue) from QBMFileRevision where UID_QBMFileRevision = 'QBM-74EC03CD5A0D2B334D197DBD5158A598'
    -- check if queue is in autoupdate and there is a update server
    select s.Ident_Server, s.IsInSoftwareUpdate, s.IsNoAutoupdate, s.IsJobServiceDisabled, sign(len(t.UID_QBMServerTag)) as IsUpdateQueue from QBMServer s
    	left outer join QBMServerHasServerTag t on s.UID_QBMServer = t.UID_QBMServer and t.UID_QBMServerTag = 'QBM-ST-Is07'
    	where IsQBMServiceInstalled = 1