HistoryDB / DBQueue does not process any entries

Hi ,
after the first problem has been solved, historization does not seem to be going smoothly. We are using version 8.0.3. 

If we start the schedule "Import process information directly" manually, the job "VI_SourceDatabase_Import" is set in the JobQueue.

The process step "Import" apparently does not continue. The following is shown in the DBQueue display

To Process Processing Sort Order  Operation
9994 0 589990 Transfer historical data from auxiliary tables to target tables

In this step, the stored procedure is executed --> exec HDB_PGetRawFromSource N'<DB-Server>', N'DB-Name', N'DB-User', N'DB-User-Password', 0

nothing seems to happen. If I restart the OneIM-service, the entries in the DBQueue disappear.

The connection to the linked server is possible and works. I have already used the KB article several times

--> support.oneidentity.com/.../dbqueue-processor-does-not-process-tasks

Unfortunately so far without success. At first glance, I don't see any errors in the DB Journal that could take us further.

What else can I check to find out whether this action just takes a long time or whether there is still a problem in the configuration ?! 

Is there a way to check which step the import step is at or where the stored procedure is?

Thank you for any information.

Kind Regards

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