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Run database compilation within script


In order investiguate on issues, we need to copy production database in another environment.

The customer want to create a task to copy the database every day and maintain the two environments with the same data.

We are using RMAN to copy the Oracle database and then we run a SQL script to set some specific values differents on the two environments (mainly obects in the following tables: DialogDatabase, Hardware, JobServer, Server).

Finally we have to run database compilation with database compiler to generate an other database id, before use the second environment.

In order to have a complete automatical procedure, we want to run this last step within a script.

This is why we are looking for information to run database compilation within script.

We found an initial response by analyzing sql request (in v$sql system view)

Generate a new database id:


    v_newPK nvarchar2(38) := newid();                                                                                                                                                                 


    update dialogdatabase set ...

Run database compilation with a stored procedure:

BEGIN vid_CompileDatabase(); END;

We are really grateful for any help on the subject.


  • Hello Serge,

    that's not possible.

    We dont's have a cmd version of the DBCompiler.

    So it's not possible to use it unattended.

    The purpose of the mentioned stored procedure "vid_CompileDatabase" is the compilation of the SQL code on the Oracle server but NOT the compilation of the VB code.



  • Hello Serge,

    that's not possible.

    We dont's have a cmd version of the DBCompiler.

    So it's not possible to use it unattended.

    The purpose of the mentioned stored procedure "vid_CompileDatabase" is the compilation of the SQL code on the Oracle server but NOT the compilation of the VB code.



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