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Designer - SQL Database Import not Updating UNSAccountB


I eluded to this question in a previous post and despite my best efforts, I can't find a solution yet. So here is the situation, one of the applications we are attesting to runs off an MS SQL Database and our DBAs have basically given the Quest account rights to run a few stored processes so that it can synch the users/groups from the SQL application to Quest. The script basically opens a connection string to the database, runs the stored procs and uses the data to populate users (one script) and populate data base roles (other script) into UNSAccountB and UNSGroupB respectively while tagging XProxyContext to be the application name... lets call it DBApp1 for privacy.

In the Production environment, the sccripts work just fine... they pull the data in and populate accordingly. I used the Database Transport tool to import all Change Labels into the Test lab. After verifying that AD synch was working Dev and then making sure that Manager > Unified Namespace has an entry for DBApp1, I ran the import. I watched the job logs intently - refreshing every few seconds, just to make sure everything worked. Yay! The script completed and I got NO errors. I even have the script writing a log file to show me what it does. The log file shows several new inserts into the database. Yay!

THEN... I checked UNSAccountB and UNSGroupB. NOTHING is there... There are no records at all...

I tried the same process again with DBApp2. Again, all things look great! Imports run and NOTHING in UNSAccountB or UNSGroupB. What the heck happened? Where did this stuff go? If the logs think everything is fine and the database is sending data (I verified this). Why doesn't it populate into Quest? Can anyone provide me some insight?

Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Dave,

    it seems to be an error of observation .

    Unfortunately it's not possible to suggest anything without knowing the import script - could you post it?

    Additional an example logfile would be helpful.

    Everything from the "problem environment".


  • Alright Steffen. Here is the first script - the user import script. I have sanitized portions of it to protect the innocent but the entire contents are there.


    References VI.DataImport.dll

    Imports System.Collections.Generic

    Imports System.IO

    Imports System.Globalization

    Imports VI.DB.Specialized

    Imports VI.DataImport

    #End If

    Public Sub TST_DBApp2_Import(ByVal dfImport As DataFileImport)

        ' Standard variables

        Dim logSection As IDisposable

        Dim milliSec As Double = Timer

              Dim logFile As String =Connection.GetConfigParm("Custom\LogFileOutputDirectory") & "\TST_DBApp2_Import_" & Year(Now) & Day(Now) & Hour(Now) & Minute(Now) & Second(Now) & milliSec.ToString & ".log"

        Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter

              ' Table

        Dim table As TableDef = Connection.Tables("UNSAccountB")

              ' Do not delete any objects, if this marker is set

              Dim doNotDelete As Boolean = False

              ' Line counter

        Dim counter As New LineCounter()

              Dim obj As ISingleDbObject = Nothing

              ' Value provider

              Dim lineData As New LineValueProvider(New String() {"User ID", "User Name", "User Last Updated By", "User Last Updated On", "", "", ""})

              Provider = lineData

              ' Import from an external database

              Dim lineProvider As New DbLineProvider()

              lineProvider.ProviderName = "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"

              lineProvider.ConnectionString = Connection.GetConfigParm("Custom\DBApp2\ConnectionString")

              ' SQL statement

              Dim statement As New PlainSqlStatement()

              statement.Statement = "SELECT U.UserId AS [User ID], U.UserName AS [User Name], U.LastUpdateID AS [User Last Updated By], U.LastUpdated AS [User Last Updated On] FROM TST..ssMasUser U"


              lineProvider.Statement = statement



        ' Configure column resolution



        ' Column indices

        Const iAccountName As Integer = 0

        Const icn As Integer = 1

              ' Resolver to get column data from import data

        Dim columnAccountName As IResolveImportValue = New ResolveImportValueSimple("AccountName")

        Dim columncn As IResolveImportValue = New ResolveImportValueSimple("cn")

              ' Build a dictionary: The last parameter forces exceptions when duplicate keys are found

        Dim columnUID_Person As New ResolveImportValueHashed( _

            Connection, _

            ObjectWalker.ColDefs(table, "FK(UID_Person).CentralAccount"), False)

              ' Build a dictionary: The last parameter forces exceptions when duplicate keys are found

        Dim columnUID_UNSContainerB As New ResolveImportValueHashed( _

            Connection, _

            ObjectWalker.ColDefs(table, "FK(UID_UNSContainerB).canonicalname"), False)

        Dim columnXProxyContext As IResolveImportValue = New ResolveImportValueSimple("XProxyContext")

              ' Set connection variables

              Connection.Variables("FULLSYNC") = "true"



            ' Create a dictionary for the destination table


            Dim colImport As IColDbObject = Connection.CreateCol("UNSAccountB")

            Dim elemsByKey As New Dictionary(Of String, IColElem)(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                        logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Bilde Index über bestehende Daten")#)


                                  ' Set keys and values as display items to load them with the collection

                                  colImport.Prototype("AccountName").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("cn").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("UID_Person").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("UID_UNSContainerB").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("XProxyContext").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype.WhereClause = "xproxycontext = N'DBApp2'"


                                  ' Load the collection


                                  ' Put the entries in the dictionary

                                  For Each elem As IColElem In colImport

                                            Dim key As String

                                            key = elem.GetValue("AccountName").ToString

                                            'VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Processing key: {0}",key))

                                            If elemsByKey.ContainsKey(key) Then

                                                      VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Duplicate key: {0}",key))

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Duplicate key: {0}", key)#)


                                                      'VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Adding key {0} to elemsByKey",key))

                                                      elemsByKey.Add(key, elem)

                                            End If



                If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                            logSection = Nothing

                                  End If

            End Try


                        'VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("---------------Finished processing {0} keys",elemsByKey.Count))

                        logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Import data from file")#)


                                  For Each line As Line In lineProvider.GetLines(counter)

                                            ' Pay attention to the Stop flag

                                            If StopProcessing Then

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Warning, #LD("Abarbeitung wurde gestoppt.")#)

                                                      Exit For

                                            End If



                                                      ' Get raw data from the current line

                                                      Dim key As String

                                                      Dim valAccountName As String

                                                      Dim resAccountName As String

                                                      Dim valcn As String

                                                      Dim rescn As String

                                                      Dim valUID_Person As String

                                                      Dim resUID_Person As String

                                                      Dim valUID_UNSContainerB As String

                                                      Dim resUID_UNSContainerB As String

                                                      Dim valXProxyContext As String

                                                      Dim resXProxyContext As String

                                                                valAccountName = line.GetValue(iAccountName)

                                                                valcn = line.GetValue(icn)

                                                                valUID_Person = line.GetValue(iAccountName)

                                                                valUID_UNSContainerB = "DBApp2/Users"

                                                                valXProxyContext = "DBApp2"


                                                                ' Here is the place to check and change raw data


                                                                lineData.Line = line


                                                                Value = valUID_Person


                                                                ' Start of convert script for UID_Person

                                                                Value = line.GetValue(iAccountName)

                                                                ' End of convert script for UID_Person


                                                                valUID_Person = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(Value)



                                                                ' Convert raw data to final column data values

                                                                resAccountName = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnAccountName.ResolveValue(valAccountName), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                rescn = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columncn.ResolveValue(valcn), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                resUID_Person = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnUID_Person.ResolveValue(valUID_Person), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                resUID_UNSContainerB = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnUID_UNSContainerB.ResolveValue(valUID_UNSContainerB), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                resXProxyContext = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnXProxyContext.ResolveValue(valXProxyContext), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                resUID_Person=Connection.GetSingleProperty("Person", "UID_Person", f.Comparison("CentralAccount", valUID_Person , ValType.String)).ToString


                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Got referenced uid person as: {0}",resUID_Person))


                                                                ' Here is the place to check and change final column data



                                                                ' Here starts the standard handling. It is recommended to not change anything beyond this point.



                                                                ' Create key for this line


                                                                key = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(resAccountName).ToString

                                                                key = key.Trim

                                                                'VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("key read from DB: {0}",key))

                                                      obj = Nothing

                                                      Dim elem As IColElem = Nothing

                                                      Dim bag As New PropertyBag()


                                                      If elemsByKey.TryGetValue(key, elem) Then


                                                                ' Found -> Update



                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Updating {0}",key))

                                                                ' Element in der Collection für die Übermengenbehandlung markieren

                                                                elem.IsSelected = True

                                                                ' Map values

                                                                Dim found As Boolean = False

                                                                'If DbVal.Compare(elem.GetRaw("cn"), rescn, ValType.String) <> 0 Then

                                                                '          bag.PutValue("cn", rescn)

                                                                '          found = True

                                                                'End If

                                                                If DbVal.Compare(elem.GetRaw("UID_Person"), resUID_Person, ValType.String) <> 0 Then

                                                                          bag.PutValue("UID_Person", resUID_Person)

                                                                          found = True

                                                                End If

                                                                'If DbVal.Compare(elem.GetRaw("UID_UNSContainerB"), resUID_UNSContainerB, ValType.String) <> 0 Then

                                                                '          bag.PutValue("UID_UNSContainerB", resUID_UNSContainerB)

                                                                '          found = True

                                                                'End If

                                                                'If DbVal.Compare(elem.GetRaw("XProxyContext"), resXProxyContext, ValType.String) <> 0 Then

                                                                '          bag.PutValue("XProxyContext", resXProxyContext)

                                                                '          found = True

                                                                'End If

                                                                If found Then

                                                                          ' Create object only when values have changed


                                                                          obj = elem.Create()

                                                                          If Not obj.IsLoaded Then


                                                                          End If



                                                                End If



                                                                ' Not found -> Insert


                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Creating user {0}",resAccountName))

                                                                obj = Connection.CreateSingle("UNSAccountB")

                                                                ' Fill keys and values

                                                                bag.PutValue("AccountName", resAccountName)

                                                                bag.PutValue("cn", rescn)

                                                                If resAccountName.ToUpper.StartsWith("Special") Or resAccountName.ToUpper.StartsWith("Control") Then

                                                                          VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Skipping person association for {0}",resAccountName))


                                                                          bag.PutValue("UID_Person", resUID_Person)

                                                                End If

                                                                bag.PutValue("UID_UNSContainerB", resUID_UNSContainerB)

                                                                bag.PutValue("XProxyContext", resXProxyContext)

                                                      End If


                                                      ' Additional values can be put into the bag here



                                                      If Not obj Is Nothing Then

                                                                If obj.IsDeleted Then

                                                                          ' Recall deleted object


                                                                End If

                                                                ' Change object

                                                                bag.ChangeObject(obj, True)

                                                                Dim isUpdate As Boolean = obj.IsLoaded


                                                                ' Save it

                                                                If obj.IsDifferent Then



                                                                          If isUpdate Then




                                                                          End If



                                                                End If

                                                                If elem Is Nothing Then

                                                                          ' Include in our collection to avoid double imports of elements

                                                                          Dim keyInsert As String

                                                                          keyInsert = obj.GetValue("AccountName").String


                                                                          Dim elemInsert As IColElem = colImport(colImport.Count - 1)

                                                                          elemsByKey(keyInsert) = elemInsert

                                                                          elemInsert.IsSelected = True

                                                                End If

                                                      End If

                                            Catch ex As Exception

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Error in line {0}: {1}", counter(LineType.Total), ViException.ErrorString(ex))#)

                              doNotDelete = True


                                            End Try

                                            If (counter(LineType.Total) Mod 100) = 0 Then

                                                      dfImport.SetProgressInfo(#LD("{0} lines imported, {1} ignored, {2} inserted, {3} updated, {4} errors", counter(LineType.Total), counter(LineType.Unchanged), counter(LineType.Inserted), counter(LineType.Updated), counter(LineType.Error))#)

                                            End If

                                  Next ' ForEach line



                If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                            logSection = Nothing

                                  End If

            End Try


            ' Superset handling


            If StopProcessing Then

                                  dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Warning, #LD("No superset handling, because import was stopped.")#)

                        ElseIf doNotDelete Then

                                  dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Warning, #LD("There were errors during the parsing of input data. No elements will be deleted to prevent data loss.")#)


                                  logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Removing entries missing in the import")#)


                                            Dim toDelete As New List(Of IColElem)()

                                            For Each elem As IColElem In colImport


                                                                If elem.IsSelected Then

                                                                          Continue For   ' Found in the import

                                                                End If

                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Marking for removal {0}",elem.GetValue("AccountName")))


                                                      Catch ex As Exception

                                                                dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Error removing object {0}", elem.Display)#)


                                                      End Try


                                            For Each elem As IColElem In toDelete

                                                      Dim display As String = Nothing          ' There are no displays in slim collections


                                                                obj = elem.Create()

                                                                display = obj.Display



                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Executed removal ok"))


                                                                dfImport.SetProgressInfo(#LD("{0} of {1} deleted", counter(LineType.Deleted), toDelete.Count)#)

                                                      Catch ex As Exception

                                                                If String.IsNullOrEmpty(display) Then

                                                                          display = New DbObjectKey(table, elem).ToXmlString()

                                                                End If

                                                                dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Error deleting object {0}", display)#)




                                                      End Try



                                            If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                                      logSection = Nothing

                                            End If

                                  End Try

                        End If




        End Try

              Using dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Resultate")#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} lines imported", counter(LineType.Total))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} header lines", counter(LineType.Header))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} inserted", counter(LineType.Inserted))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} changed", counter(LineType.Updated))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} deleted", counter(LineType.Deleted))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} not changed", counter(LineType.Unchanged))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} not found", counter(LineType.NotFound))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} empty lines", counter(LineType.Empty))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} errors", counter(LineType.Error))#)

              End Using

    End Sub

  • Hi Dave,

    strange ...

    The script looks good - there are no transactions in it - so you don't have to "commit" any transactions.

    And if there would appear any errors during the saving of the objects you would get an information on the "error counter".

    So I think the objects were created in the database - the question is: In WHICH database?

    The job "DataImport" (which executes the script for the import) contains the parameter "ConnectionString".

    On this parameter the target database for the import is defined.

    Normally the parameter contains:

    Value = VID_GetValueOfDialogdatabases("ConnectionString")

    ... that means the connectionstring comes from the table "DialogDatabase", column "ConnectionString".

    I suggest to check this parameter in the import job - and if it contains the mentioned default value you should check the value in "DialogDatabase.ConnectionString".

    Maybe your import affected another db...

    No other idea currently.



  • Thanks Steffen, I checked the VID_GetValueofDialogDatabases("ConnectionString") and that has not been changed. But here's a thought. The particular script I posted is only ONE piece of the entire import for DBApp2. Perhaps the issue lies in one of the other scripts that is part of the process orchestration. The entire import process follows the steps below:

    1.) Run Script TST_DBApp2_Container Import

    2.) Run Script TST_DBApp2_Group Import

    3.) Run Script TST_DBApp2_User Import

    4.) Run Script TST_DBApp2_UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB Import

    So maybe the issue is starting somewhere earlier than the User import. That being said, here are the other scripts:

    Container Import:


    References VI.DataImport.dll

    Imports System.Collections.Generic

    Imports System.IO

    Imports System.Globalization

    Imports VI.DB.Specialized

    Imports VI.DataImport

    #End If

    Public Sub TST_DBApp2_Import(ByVal dfImport As DataFileImport)

        ' Standard variables

        Dim logSection As IDisposable

        ' Table

        Dim table As TableDef = Connection.Tables("UNSContainerB")

              Dim logFile As String = Connection.GetConfigParm("Custom\LogFileOutputDirectory") & "\TST_DBApp2_Container_Import" & Year(Now) & Day(Now) & Hour(Now) & Minute(Now) & Second(Now) & ".log"

              ' Line counter

        Dim counter As New LineCounter()

              ' Value provider

              Dim lineData As New LineValueProvider(New String() {"Role ID", "Role Name", "Role Last Updated By", "Role Last Updated On", "", ""})

              Provider = lineData

              ' Import from an external database

              Dim lineProvider As New DbLineProvider()

              lineProvider.ProviderName = "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"

              lineProvider.ConnectionString = Connection.GetConfigParm("Custom\DBApp2\ConnectionString")

              ' SQL statement

              Dim statement As New PlainSqlStatement()

              statement.Statement = "SELECT R.RoleTID AS [Role ID] " & _

    "       ,R.RoleName AS [Role Name] " & _

    "       ,R.LastUpdateID AS [Role Last Updated By] " & _

    "       ,R.LastUpdated AS [Role Last Updated On] " & _

    "FROM TST..ssMasRole R " & _

    "WHERE R.AutoGenerated=0"

              lineProvider.Statement = statement


        ' Configure column resolution


        ' Column indices

        Const icn As Integer = 1

              ' Resolver to get column data from import data

        Dim columncn As IResolveImportValue = New ResolveImportValueSimple("cn")

              ' Build a dictionary: The last parameter forces exceptions when duplicate keys are found

        Dim columnUID_ParentUNSContainerB As New ResolveImportValueHashed( _

            Connection, _

            ObjectWalker.ColDefs(table, "FK(UID_ParentUNSContainerB).canonicalname"), False)

        Dim columnXProxyContext As IResolveImportValue = New ResolveImportValueSimple("XProxyContext")

              ' Set connection variables

              Connection.Variables("FULLSYNC") = "true"



            ' Create a dictionary for the destination table


            Dim colImport As IColDbObject = Connection.CreateCol("UNSContainerB")

            Dim elemsByKey As New Dictionary(Of String, IColElem)(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                        logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Bilde Index über bestehende Daten")#)


                                  ' Set keys and values as display items to load them with the collection

                                  colImport.Prototype("cn").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("UID_ParentUNSContainerB").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("XProxyContext").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype.WhereClause = "xproxycontext = N'DBApp2'"

                                  ' Load the collection


                                  ' Put the entries in the dictionary

                                  For Each elem As IColElem In colImport

                                            Dim key As String

                                            key = elem.GetValue("cn").String

                                            If elemsByKey.ContainsKey(key) Then

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Duplicate key: {0}", key)#)


                                                      elemsByKey.Add(key, elem)

                                            End If



                If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                            logSection = Nothing

                                  End If

            End Try

              VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Loaded {0} records",colImport.Count))

                        logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Import data from file")#)


                                  For Each line As Line In lineProvider.GetLines(counter)

                                            ' Pay attention to the Stop flag

                                            If StopProcessing Then

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Warning, #LD("Abarbeitung wurde gestoppt.")#)

                                                      Exit For

                                            End If


                                                      ' Get raw data from the current line

                                                      Dim key As String

                                                      Dim valcn As String

                                                      Dim rescn As String

                                                      Dim valUID_ParentUNSContainerB As String

                                                      Dim resUID_ParentUNSContainerB As String

                                                      Dim valXProxyContext As String

                                                      Dim resXProxyContext As String

                                                                valcn = line.GetValue(icn)

                                                                valUID_ParentUNSContainerB = "DBApp2/Groups"

                                                                valXProxyContext = "DBApp2"


                                                                ' Here is the place to check and change raw data


                                                                lineData.Line = line

                                                                Value = valcn

                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Read from file {0} ",valcn))

                                                                ' Start of convert script for cn

                                                                Dim tmp() As String = CStr(Value).Split("-"C)

                                                                If tmp.Length > 1 Then

                                                                          Value = tmp(0).Trim

                                                                End If

                                                                ' End of convert script for cn

                                                                valcn = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(Value)

                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("After checkin is root {0} ",valcn))

                                                                ' Convert raw data to final column data values

                                                                rescn = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columncn.ResolveValue(valcn), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                resUID_ParentUNSContainerB = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnUID_ParentUNSContainerB.ResolveValue(valUID_ParentUNSContainerB), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                resXProxyContext = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnXProxyContext.ResolveValue(valXProxyContext), lineProvider.Culture)


                                                                ' Here is the place to check and change final column data



                                                                ' Here starts the standard handling. It is recommended to not change anything beyond this point.



                                                                ' Create key for this line


                                                                key = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(rescn)

                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Processing key {0} ",key))

                                                      Dim obj As ISingleDbObject = Nothing

                                                      Dim elem As IColElem = Nothing

                                                      Dim bag As New PropertyBag()

                                                      If elemsByKey.TryGetValue(key, elem) Then


                                                                ' Found -> Update


                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("UPDATE: key {0} ",key))

                                                                ' Element in der Collection für die Übermengenbehandlung markieren

                                                                elem.IsSelected = True

                                                                ' Map values

                                                                Dim found As Boolean = False

                                                                If DbVal.Compare(elem.GetRaw("UID_ParentUNSContainerB"), resUID_ParentUNSContainerB, ValType.String) <> 0 Then

                                                                          bag.PutValue("UID_ParentUNSContainerB", resUID_ParentUNSContainerB)

                                                                          found = True

                                                                End If

                                                                If DbVal.Compare(elem.GetRaw("XProxyContext"), resXProxyContext, ValType.String) <> 0 Then

                                                                          bag.PutValue("XProxyContext", resXProxyContext)

                                                                          found = True

                                                                End If

                                                                If found Then

                                                                          ' Create object only when values have changed

                                                                          obj = elem.Create()

                                                                          If Not obj.IsLoaded Then


                                                                          End If



                                                                End If



                                                                ' Not found -> Insert


                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("INSERT: key {0} ",key))

                                                                obj = Connection.CreateSingle("UNSContainerB")

                                                                ' Fill keys and values

                                                                bag.PutValue("cn", rescn)

                                                                bag.PutValue("UID_ParentUNSContainerB", resUID_ParentUNSContainerB)

                                                                bag.PutValue("XProxyContext", resXProxyContext)

                                                      End If


                                                      ' Additional values can be put into the bag here


                                                      If Not obj Is Nothing Then

                                                                If obj.IsDeleted Then

                                                                          ' Recall deleted object


                                                                End If

                                                                ' Change object

                                                                bag.ChangeObject(obj, True)

                                                                Dim isUpdate As Boolean = obj.IsLoaded

                                                                ' Save it

                                                                If obj.IsDifferent Then


                                                                          If isUpdate Then




                                                                          End If



                                                                End If

                                                                If elem Is Nothing Then

                                                                          ' Include in our collection to avoid double imports of elements

                                                                          Dim keyInsert As String

                                                                          keyInsert = obj.GetValue("cn").String


                                                                          Dim elemInsert As IColElem = colImport(colImport.Count - 1)

                                                                          elemsByKey(keyInsert) = elemInsert

                                                                          elemInsert.IsSelected = True

                                                                End If

                                                                ' Update index for hierarchies


                                                      End If

                                            Catch ex As Exception

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Error in line {0}: {1}", counter(LineType.Total), ViException.ErrorString(ex))#)


                                            End Try

                                            If (counter(LineType.Total) Mod 100) = 0 Then

                                                      dfImport.SetProgressInfo(#LD("{0} lines imported, {1} ignored, {2} inserted, {3} updated, {4} errors", counter(LineType.Total), counter(LineType.Unchanged), counter(LineType.Inserted), counter(LineType.Updated), counter(LineType.Error))#)

                                            End If

                                  Next ' ForEach line


                If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                            logSection = Nothing

                                  End If

            End Try


                        ' No superset handling




        End Try

              Using dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Resultate")#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} lines imported", counter(LineType.Total))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} header lines", counter(LineType.Header))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} inserted", counter(LineType.Inserted))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} changed", counter(LineType.Updated))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} deleted", counter(LineType.Deleted))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} not changed", counter(LineType.Unchanged))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} not found", counter(LineType.NotFound))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} empty lines", counter(LineType.Empty))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} errors", counter(LineType.Error))#)

              End Using

    End Sub

    Group Import


    References VI.DataImport.dll

    Imports System.Collections.Generic

    Imports System.IO

    Imports System.Globalization

    Imports VI.DB.Specialized

    Imports VI.DataImport

    #End If

    Public Sub TST_DBApp2Group_Import(ByVal dfImport As DataFileImport)

        ' Standard variables

        Dim logSection As IDisposable


        ' Table

        Dim table As TableDef = Connection.Tables("UNSGroupB")

              ' Line counter

        Dim counter As New LineCounter()

              ' Do not delete any objects, if this marker is set

              Dim doNotDelete As Boolean = False

              Dim logFile As String = Connection.GetConfigParm("Custom\LogFileOutputDirectory") & "\TST_DBApp2_Group_Import_" & Year(Now) & Day(Now) & Hour(Now) & Minute(Now) & Second(Now)

              Dim obj As ISingleDbObject = Nothing

              ' Value provider

              Dim lineData As New LineValueProvider(New String() {"Role ID", "Role Name", "Role Last Updated By", "Role Last Updated On", "", ""})

              Provider = lineData

              ' Import from an external database

              Dim lineProvider As New DbLineProvider()

              lineProvider.ProviderName = "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"

              lineProvider.ConnectionString = Connection.GetConfigParm("Custom\DBApp2\ConnectionString")

              ' SQL statement

              Dim statement As New PlainSqlStatement()

              statement.Statement = "SELECT R.RoleTID AS [Role ID] " & _

    "       ,R.RoleName AS [Role Name] " & _

    "       ,R.LastUpdateID AS [Role Last Updated By] " & _

    "       ,R.LastUpdated AS [Role Last Updated On] " & _

    "FROM TST..ssMasRole R " & _

    "WHERE R.AutoGenerated=0"


              lineProvider.Statement = statement



        ' Configure column resolution



        ' Column indices

        Const icn As Integer = 1

        Const iObjectGUID As Integer = 0

              ' Resolver to get column data from import data

        Dim columnCanonicalName As IResolveImportValue = New ResolveImportValueSimple("CanonicalName")

        Dim columncn As IResolveImportValue = New ResolveImportValueSimple("cn")

        Dim columnObjectGUID As IResolveImportValue = New ResolveImportValueSimple("ObjectGUID")

        Dim columnXProxyContext As IResolveImportValue = New ResolveImportValueSimple("XProxyContext")

              Dim columnUID_UNSContainerB As New ResolveImportValueHashed( _

            Connection, _

            ObjectWalker.ColDefs(table, "FK(UID_UNSContainerB).canonicalname"), False)

              ' Set connection variables

              Connection.Variables("FULLSYNC") = "true"



            ' Create a dictionary for the destination table


            Dim colImport As IColDbObject = Connection.CreateCol("UNSGroupB")

            Dim elemsByKey As New Dictionary(Of String, IColElem)(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                        logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Bilde Index über bestehende Daten")#)


                                  ' Set keys and values as display items to load them with the collection

                                  colImport.Prototype("CanonicalName").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("cn").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("ObjectGUID").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("XProxyContext").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("UID_UNSContainerB").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype.WhereClause = "xproxycontext = N'DBApp2'"


                                  ' Load the collection


                                  ' Put the entries in the dictionary

                                  For Each elem As IColElem In colImport

                                            Dim key As String

                                            key = elem.GetValue("ObjectGUID").String

                                            If elemsByKey.ContainsKey(key) Then

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Duplicate key: {0}", key)#)


                                                      elemsByKey.Add(key, elem)

                                            End If



                If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                            logSection = Nothing

                                  End If

            End Try

                        VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("Got {0} existing UNSGroupB records", elemsByKey.Count))

                        logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Import data from file")#)


                                  For Each line As Line In lineProvider.GetLines(counter)

                                            ' Pay attention to the Stop flag

                                            If StopProcessing Then

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Warning, #LD("Abarbeitung wurde gestoppt.")#)

                                                      Exit For

                                            End If



                                                      ' Get raw data from the current line

                                                      Dim key As String

                                                      Dim valCanonicalName As String

                                                      Dim resCanonicalName As String

                                                      Dim valcn As String

                                                      Dim rescn As String

                                                      Dim valObjectGUID As String

                                                      Dim resObjectGUID As String

                                                      Dim valXProxyContext As String

                                                      Dim resXProxyContext As String

                                                      Dim resUID_UNSContainerB As String

                                                      Dim valUID_UNSContainerB As String

                                                                valUID_UNSContainerB = "DBApp2/Groups"

                                                                valcn = line.GetValue(icn)

                                                                valObjectGUID = line.GetValue(iObjectGUID)

                                                                valXProxyContext = "DBApp2"


                                                                ' Here is the place to check and change raw data


                                                                lineData.Line = line


                                                                Value = valcn


                                                                ' Start of convert script for CanonicalName

                                                                Dim tmp() As String = CStr(Value).Split("-"C)


                                                                If tmp.Length > 1 Then

                                                                          Value = valUID_UNSContainerB & "/" & tmp(0).Trim

                                                                          valUID_UNSContainerB = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(Value).ToString.Trim

                                                                End If


                                                                ' End of convert script for CanonicalName



                                                                Value = valcn


                                                                ' Start of convert script for cn


                                                                tmp = CStr(Value).Split("-"C)

                                                                If tmp.Length > 1 Then

                                                                          Value = tmp(1).Trim

                                                                End If



                                                                ' End of convert script for cn


                                                                valcn = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(Value).ToString.Trim



                                                                ' Convert raw data to final column data values

                                                                resCanonicalName = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnCanonicalName.ResolveValue(valCanonicalName), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                rescn = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columncn.ResolveValue(valcn), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                resObjectGUID = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnObjectGUID.ResolveValue(valObjectGUID), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                resXProxyContext = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnXProxyContext.ResolveValue(valXProxyContext), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                resUID_UNSContainerB = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnUID_UNSContainerB.ResolveValue(valUID_UNSContainerB), lineProvider.Culture)


                                                                ' Here is the place to check and change final column data



                                                                ' Here starts the standard handling. It is recommended to not change anything beyond this point.



                                                                ' Create key for this line


                                                                key = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(resObjectGUID)

                                                      obj = Nothing

                                                      Dim elem As IColElem = Nothing

                                                      Dim bag As New PropertyBag()

                                                      If elemsByKey.TryGetValue(key, elem) Then


                                                                ' Found -> Update


                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("UPDATE on {0}", key))

                                                                ' Element in der Collection für die Übermengenbehandlung markieren

                                                                elem.IsSelected = True

                                                                ' Map values

                                                                Dim found As Boolean = False

                                                                'If DbVal.Compare(elem.GetRaw("CanonicalName"), resCanonicalName, ValType.String) <> 0 Then

                                                      '                    bag.PutValue("CanonicalName", resCanonicalName)

                                                      '                    found = True

                                                      '          End If

                                                                If DbVal.Compare(elem.GetRaw("cn"), rescn, ValType.String) <> 0 Then

                                                                          bag.PutValue("cn", rescn)

                                                                          found = True

                                                                End If

                                                                If DbVal.Compare(elem.GetRaw("XProxyContext"), resXProxyContext, ValType.String) <> 0 Then

                                                                          bag.PutValue("XProxyContext", resXProxyContext)

                                                                          found = True

                                                                End If


                                                                If DbVal.Compare(elem.GetRaw("UID_UNSContainerB"), resUID_UNSContainerB, ValType.String) <> 0 Then

                                                                          bag.PutValue("UID_UNSContainerB", resUID_UNSContainerB)

                                                                          found = True

                                                                End If

                                                                If found Then

                                                                          ' Create object only when values have changed


                                                                          obj = elem.Create()

                                                                          If Not obj.IsLoaded Then


                                                                          End If



                                                                End If



                                                                ' Not found -> Insert


                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("INSERT on {0}", key))

                                                                obj = Connection.CreateSingle("UNSGroupB")

                                                                ' Fill keys and values

                                                                'bag.PutValue("CanonicalName", resCanonicalName)

                                                                bag.PutValue("cn", rescn)

                                                                bag.PutValue("ObjectGUID", resObjectGUID)

                                                                bag.PutValue("XProxyContext", resXProxyContext)

                                                                bag.PutValue("UID_UNSContainerB", resUID_UNSContainerB)

                                                      End If


                                                      ' Additional values can be put into the bag here



                                                      If Not obj Is Nothing Then

                                                                If obj.IsDeleted Then

                                                                          ' Recall deleted object


                                                                End If

                                                                ' Change object

                                                                bag.ChangeObject(obj, True)

                                                                Dim isUpdate As Boolean = obj.IsLoaded


                                                                ' Save it

                                                                If obj.IsDifferent Then



                                                                          If isUpdate Then




                                                                          End If



                                                                End If

                                                                If elem Is Nothing Then

                                                                          ' Include in our collection to avoid double imports of elements

                                                                          Dim keyInsert As String

                                                                          keyInsert = obj.GetValue("ObjectGUID").String


                                                                          Dim elemInsert As IColElem = colImport(colImport.Count - 1)

                                                                          elemsByKey(keyInsert) = elemInsert

                                                                          elemInsert.IsSelected = True

                                                                End If

                                                      End If

                                            Catch ex As Exception

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Error in line {0}: {1}", counter(LineType.Total), ViException.ErrorString(ex))#)                         


                                                      doNotDelete = True

                                            End Try

                                            If (counter(LineType.Total) Mod 100) = 0 Then

                                                      dfImport.SetProgressInfo(#LD("{0} lines imported, {1} ignored, {2} inserted, {3} updated, {4} errors", counter(LineType.Total), counter(LineType.Unchanged), counter(LineType.Inserted), counter(LineType.Updated), counter(LineType.Error))#)

                                            End If

                                  Next ' ForEach line



                If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                            logSection = Nothing

                                  End If

            End Try


            ' Superset handling


            If StopProcessing Then

                                  dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Warning, #LD("No superset handling, because import was stopped.")#)

                        ElseIf doNotDelete Then

                                  dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Warning, #LD("There were errors during the parsing of input data. No elements will be deleted to prevent data loss.")#)


                                  logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Removing entries missing in the import")#)


                                            Dim toDelete As New List(Of IColElem)()

                                            For Each elem As IColElem In colImport


                                                                If elem.IsSelected Then

                                                                          Continue For   ' Found in the import

                                                                End If


                                                      Catch ex As Exception

                                                                dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Error removing object {0}", elem.Display)#)


                                                      End Try


                                            For Each elem As IColElem In toDelete

                                                      Dim display As String = Nothing          ' There are no displays in slim collections


                                                                obj = elem.Create()

                                                                display = obj.Display



                                                                VID_Write2Log(logFile,String.Format("DELETE on {0}", elem.GetValue("cn")))


                                                                dfImport.SetProgressInfo(#LD("{0} of {1} deleted", counter(LineType.Deleted), toDelete.Count)#)

                                                      Catch ex As Exception

                                                                If String.IsNullOrEmpty(display) Then

                                                                          display = New DbObjectKey(table, elem).ToXmlString()

                                                                End If

                                                                dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Error deleting object {0}", display)#)




                                                      End Try



                                            If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                                      logSection = Nothing

                                            End If

                                  End Try

                        End If




        End Try

              Using dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Resultate")#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} lines imported", counter(LineType.Total))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} header lines", counter(LineType.Header))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} inserted", counter(LineType.Inserted))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} changed", counter(LineType.Updated))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} deleted", counter(LineType.Deleted))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} not changed", counter(LineType.Unchanged))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} not found", counter(LineType.NotFound))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} empty lines", counter(LineType.Empty))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} errors", counter(LineType.Error))#)

              End Using

    End Sub

    UNSAcctB in UNS Group B Import


    References VI.DataImport.dll

    Imports System.Collections.Generic

    Imports System.IO

    Imports System.Globalization

    Imports VI.DB.Specialized

    Imports VI.DataImport

    #End If

    Public Sub TST_DBApp2_UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB_Import(ByVal dfImport As DataFileImport)

        ' Standard variables

        Dim logSection As IDisposable


        ' Table

        Dim table As TableDef = Connection.Tables("UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB")

              Dim obj As ISingleDbObject = Nothing

              ' Line counter

        Dim counter As New LineCounter()

              ' Do not delete any objects, if this marker is set

              Dim doNotDelete As Boolean = False

              ' Value provider

              Dim lineData As New LineValueProvider(New String() {"Instance", "User ID", "User Name", "Role ID", "Role Name", "Role Updated By", "Role Updated On"})

              Provider = lineData

              ' Import from an external database

              Dim lineProvider As New DbLineProvider()

              lineProvider.ProviderName = "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"

              lineProvider.ConnectionString =  Connection.GetConfigParm("Custom\DBApp2\ConnectionString")

              ' SQL statement

              Dim statement As New PlainSqlStatement()

              statement.Statement = "SELECT 'COI' AS Instance " & _

    "       , U.UserId AS [User ID] " & _

    "       , U.UserName AS [User Name] " & _

    "       , R.RoleTID AS [Role ID] " & _

    "       , R.RoleName AS [Role Name] " & _

    "       , RUX.LastUpdateID [Role Updated By] " & _

    "       , RUX.LastUpdated [Role Updated On] " & _

    "FROM TST..ssMasUser U " & _

    "INNER JOIN TST..ssMasRoleUserXref RUX ON U.UserId = RUX.UserId " & _

    "INNER JOIN TST..ssMasRole R ON RUX.RoleTID= R.RoleTID " & _

    "WHERE R.AutoGenerated = 0"


              lineProvider.Statement = statement



        ' Configure column resolution



        ' Column indices

        Const iUID_UNSAccountB As Integer = 1

        Const iUID_UNSGroupB As Integer = 3

              ' Resolver to get column data from import data

              ' Build a dictionary: The last parameter forces exceptions when duplicate keys are found

        Dim columnUID_UNSAccountB As New ResolveImportValueHashed( _

            Connection, _

            ObjectWalker.ColDefs(table, "FK(UID_UNSAccountB).AccountName"), False)

              ' Build a dictionary: The last parameter forces exceptions when duplicate keys are found

        Dim columnUID_UNSGroupB As New ResolveImportValueHashed( _

            Connection, _

            ObjectWalker.ColDefs(table, "FK(UID_UNSGroupB).ObjectGUID"), False)

              ' Set connection variables

              Connection.Variables("FULLSYNC") = "true"



            ' Create a dictionary for the destination table


            Dim colImport As IColDbObject = Connection.CreateCol("UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB")

            Dim elemsByKey As New Dictionary(Of String, IColElem)(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                        logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Bilde Index über bestehende Daten")#)


                                  ' Set keys and values as display items to load them with the collection

                                  colImport.Prototype("UID_UNSAccountB").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype("UID_UNSGroupB").IsDisplayItem = True

                                  colImport.Prototype.WhereClause = "xproxycontext = N'DBApp2'"


                                  ' Load the collection


                                  ' Put the entries in the dictionary

                                  For Each elem As IColElem In colImport

                                            Dim key As String

                                            key = elem.GetValue("UID_UNSAccountB").String _

                                                        & Chr(0) & elem.GetValue("UID_UNSGroupB").String _

                                            If elemsByKey.ContainsKey(key) Then

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Duplicate key: {0}", key)#)


                                                      elemsByKey.Add(key, elem)

                                            End If



                If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                            logSection = Nothing

                                  End If

            End Try

                        logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Import data from file")#)


                                  For Each line As Line In lineProvider.GetLines(counter)

                                            ' Pay attention to the Stop flag

                                            If StopProcessing Then

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Warning, #LD("Abarbeitung wurde gestoppt.")#)

                                                      Exit For

                                            End If



                                                      ' Get raw data from the current line

                                                      Dim key As String

                                                      Dim valUID_UNSAccountB As String

                                                      Dim resUID_UNSAccountB As String

                                                      Dim valUID_UNSGroupB As String

                                                      Dim resUID_UNSGroupB As String

                                                                valUID_UNSAccountB = line.GetValue(iUID_UNSAccountB)

                                                                valUID_UNSGroupB = line.GetValue(iUID_UNSGroupB)


                                                                ' Here is the place to check and change raw data


                                                                lineData.Line = line


                                                                Value = valUID_UNSAccountB


                                                                ' Start of convert script for UID_UNSAccountB

                                                                ' Value = "DBApp2/Users/" & CStr(Value)

                                                                ' End of convert script for UID_UNSAccountB


                                                                valUID_UNSAccountB = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(Value)


                                                                Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter

                                                                ' Convert raw data to final column data values

                                                                'resUID_UNSAccountB = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnUID_UNSAccountB.ResolveValue(valUID_UNSAccountB), lineProvider.Culture)

                                                                resUID_UNSAccountB = Connection.GetSingleProperty("UNSAccountB","UID_UNSAccountB", _

                                                                  f.AndRelation(f.Comparison("accountname",valUID_UNSAccountB,ValType.String), _

                                                                          f.Comparison("xproxycontext", "DBApp2", ValType.String)))

                                                                resUID_UNSGroupB = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(columnUID_UNSGroupB.ResolveValue(valUID_UNSGroupB), lineProvider.Culture)


                                                                ' Here is the place to check and change final column data



                                                                ' Here starts the standard handling. It is recommended to not change anything beyond this point.



                                                                ' Create key for this line


                                                                key = DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(resUID_UNSAccountB) _

                                                                          &  Chr(0) & DbVal.ConvertTo(Of String)(resUID_UNSGroupB) _


                                                      Dim elem As IColElem = Nothing

                                                      Dim bag As New PropertyBag()

                                                      If elemsByKey.TryGetValue(key, elem) Then


                                                                ' Found -> Update


                                                                ' Element in der Collection für die Übermengenbehandlung markieren

                                                                elem.IsSelected = True

                                                                ' Map values

                                                                'Dim found As Boolean = False

                                                                'If found Then

                                                                          ' Create object only when values have changed


                                                                '          obj = elem.Create()

                                                                '          If Not obj.IsLoaded Then

                                                                '                    obj.Load()

                                                                '          End If


                                                                '          counter.Increment(LineType.Unchanged)

                                                                'End If



                                                                ' Not found -> Insert


                                                                obj = Connection.CreateSingle("UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB")

                                                                ' Fill keys and values

                                                                bag.PutValue("UID_UNSAccountB", resUID_UNSAccountB)

                                                                bag.PutValue("UID_UNSGroupB", resUID_UNSGroupB)

                                                                bag.PutValue("XProxyContext", "DBApp2")

                                                      End If


                                                      ' Additional values can be put into the bag here



                                                      If Not obj Is Nothing Then

                                                                If obj.IsDeleted Then

                                                                          ' Recall deleted object


                                                                End If

                                                                ' Change object

                                                                bag.ChangeObject(obj, True)

                                                                Dim isUpdate As Boolean = obj.IsLoaded


                                                                ' Save it

                                                                If obj.IsDifferent Then



                                                                          If isUpdate Then




                                                                          End If



                                                                End If

                                                                If elem Is Nothing Then

                                                                          ' Include in our collection to avoid double imports of elements

                                                                          Dim keyInsert As String

                                                                          keyInsert = obj.GetValue("UID_UNSAccountB").String _

                                                                                    & Chr(0) & obj.GetValue("UID_UNSGroupB").String _


                                                                          Dim elemInsert As IColElem = colImport(colImport.Count - 1)

                                                                          elemsByKey(keyInsert) = elemInsert

                                                                          elemInsert.IsSelected = True

                                                                End If

                                                      End If

                                            Catch ex As Exception

                                                      dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Error in line {0}: {1}", counter(LineType.Total), ViException.ErrorString(ex))#)

                              doNotDelete = True


                                            End Try

                                            If (counter(LineType.Total) Mod 100) = 0 Then

                                                      dfImport.SetProgressInfo(#LD("{0} lines imported, {1} ignored, {2} inserted, {3} updated, {4} errors", counter(LineType.Total), counter(LineType.Unchanged), counter(LineType.Inserted), counter(LineType.Updated), counter(LineType.Error))#)

                                            End If

                                  Next ' ForEach line



                If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                            logSection = Nothing

                                  End If

            End Try


                        ' Superset handling


            If StopProcessing Then

                                  dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Warning, #LD("No superset handling, because import was stopped.")#)

                        ElseIf doNotDelete Then

                                  dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Warning, #LD("There were errors during the parsing of input data. No elements will be deleted to prevent data loss.")#)


                                  logSection = dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Removing entries missing in the import")#)


                                            Dim toDelete As New List(Of IColElem)()

                                            For Each elem As IColElem In colImport


                                                                If elem.IsSelected Then

                                                                          Continue For   ' Found in the import

                                                                End If


                                                      Catch ex As Exception

                                                                dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Error removing object {0}", elem.Display)#)


                                                      End Try


                                            For Each elem As IColElem In toDelete

                                                      Dim display As String = Nothing          ' There are no displays in slim collections


                                                                obj = elem.Create()

                                                                display = obj.Display




                                                                dfImport.SetProgressInfo(#LD("{0} of {1} deleted", counter(LineType.Deleted), toDelete.Count)#)

                                                      Catch ex As Exception

                                                                If String.IsNullOrEmpty(display) Then

                                                                          display = New DbObjectKey(table, elem).ToXmlString()

                                                                End If

                                                                dfImport.Log(MsgSeverity.Serious, #LD("Error deleting object {0}", display)#)




                                                      End Try



                                            If Not logSection Is Nothing Then


                                                      logSection = Nothing

                                            End If

                                  End Try

                        End If





        End Try

              Using dfImport.LogSection(#LD("Resultate")#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} lines imported", counter(LineType.Total))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} header lines", counter(LineType.Header))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} inserted", counter(LineType.Inserted))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} changed", counter(LineType.Updated))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} deleted", counter(LineType.Deleted))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} not changed", counter(LineType.Unchanged))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} not found", counter(LineType.NotFound))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} empty lines", counter(LineType.Empty))#)

                        dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} errors", counter(LineType.Error))#)

              End Using

    End Sub

    Anything else look unusual?

  • ok, Dave.

    You've checked the mentioned job parameter - it has the correct value "VID_GetValueofDialogDatabases("ConnectionString")".

    But I'm not sure:

    Did you checked the content of the field "DialogDatabase.ConnectionString" too?

    Does it contain the connectionstring to the correct db?


  • Yes Steffen, it does have the correct string. I just triple checked again and the field in the DialogDatabase.ConnectionString MATCHES the correct Database.

  • Hello Dave,

    I'm thinking and thinking ...

    The scripts are looking correctly.

    Sorry for the dumb question:

    Are you sure that nothing was imported in the db?

    You should look via SQL or the ObjectBrowser to see all objects without a filter.

    You told us that neither UNSAccountB's nor UNSGroupB's were created.

    What about the containers?

    Same issue?

    In the end of every import you should get in the log file the output of the counters:

    dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} lines imported", counter(LineType.Total))#)

    dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} header lines", counter(LineType.Header))#)

    dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} inserted", counter(LineType.Inserted))#)

    dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} changed", counter(LineType.Updated))#)

    dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} deleted", counter(LineType.Deleted))#)

    dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} not changed", counter(LineType.Unchanged))#)

    dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} not found", counter(LineType.NotFound))#)

    dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} empty lines", counter(LineType.Empty))#)

    dfImport.Log(#LD("{0} errors", counter(LineType.Error))#)

    What's the content?

    If all these tests/questions will not bring the light in the darkness I suggest to activate the SQL log and the Object log for the import to see what happens on the object layer and the SQL layer during the import.


  • Okay, I opened the database with SQL Management Studio and checked the various tables. UNSContainerB DOES have data but the UNSGroupB and UNSAccountB does not. Just for good measure, I used document comparison tools to verify that the code for the import scripts is identical in PRD and DEV and it is. Every file used for import is identical. So it can't be a code issue.

  • Hi Dave

    it took me a while to get through your script code, but i think i got it:

    This is the code you're using in the UNSAccountB as well as in the UNSGroupB script to set the UID_UNSContainerB value for the object:

    valUID_UNSContainerB = "DBApp2/Users"

    valUID_UNSContainerB = "DBApp2/Groups"

    As long as you did not freak up the UID of the affected UNSContainerB-objects, i'm pretty sure that this UID is incorrect.


