• Attestation - approval process throws an error.


    We have upgraded Identity Manager from v.8.1 to v.9.2

    When we started an attestation policy that has worked in previous version, we got an error.

    The approval policy Attestation by employee manager with auto-remove has 2 steps

    • Recipient's manager…
  • Run a attestation in the new IT Shop/Web Portal


    how can I run a specific Atttestation case. In our case it's about creating a identity. When we create the identity and press the save button, I also want to run our specific attestation

    Thank you


  • Using policy collections with samples to review movers

    If you create a sample category and set it to be cleared on the next access review I noticed it does not clear the sample if you want to run multiple attestation policies with the policy collection. I thought the idea of the collection was to run multiple…

  • How to create an attestation policy to attest whether the user belongs to that role?

    I would like to certify that users obtain a role, and thus send managers an email confirming that the user actually has that role.
  • In portal, using "pending attestations": When switching from one attestation policy to an other, the displayed attestation cases do not get refreshed

    Hello Experts,

    did anybody came across the issue in the portal where the attestation cases are not getting refreshed when switching attestation policies?

    Step 1: Click on "Pending Attestations"
    Step 2: Click on "Switch policy view"

  • CreateAttestation with parameters

    Good evening everyone,

    I am trying to trigger an attestation from a process and pass the strings for PropertyInfo1 and PropertyInfo2. The version I am using is V. 8.1.5

    If I run the method CreateAttestation(String strObjectKey, Dictionary'2 dicData) from…

  • Issue While approving the attestation; ATT_PattestationHelperFillAll is stuck in jobqueue as reset= Yes

    Hi Experts,

    I am having an issue while approving the pending attestation and it is throwing below error:

    Also in Jobqueue a job is stucked with  Isreset=Yes, Auxillary routing for ATT_PAttestationHelperFillAll, Procedure simulates bulk mode.


  • attestation policy not sending mails

    Hello Team,

    I set-up a new Attestation policy and triggered Attestation manually for few accounts.

    Attestations are available for approving in web portal but mails are not delivered to approvers enen-though mail template is defined in workflow.

    Mail preview…

  • UNSAccountInUNSGroup attestations slow approvals


    I have a attestations policy with procedure on "User accounts: system entitlement assignments (UNSAccountInUNSGroup)".

    Some groups have thousands of users. When the attestation goes out and the user tries to approve more than 200 at a…

  • AttestationCase and ReducedApproverCalculation config parameter

    Hi All,

    I'm using Attestation functionality from OneIdentity v8.1 and I would like to recalculate approvers for open attestation cases when the employee's manager is being re-assign. Obviously employee's manager is a valid approver for the Attestation…

  • Problem with button “Deny” in Attestation Workflows.

    When we deny an attestation approval, the product shows the next error:

    We have check if the product doesn’t have the required dll (ATT.CompositionApi.dll), and we have check if the script has any error, but it compiles normally.


    Error executing…

  • New user certification attestation policy



    A External user registering on portal. 

    After, external user approver approved request and the external user, after click link in received email, can't submitted the request. 


  • attestation case workflow issue

    Hi Team,

    WE have an attestation policy to re-certify Azure AD accounts.

    It has 4 step approval workflow and at the last step if approval step timeouts then we have kept the case as denied but Accounts are not getting disabled after attestation gets…

  • What does HelperAttestationPolicy store?


    There are thousands of entries pending in DBQueue for "fill attestation rule auxiliary tables". And it is taking too much time to execute it. I checked that HelperAttestationPolicy table is getting filled. Is it a one time job or does it happen on…

  • Trigger Attestation for selected objects using SOAP service call?

    Hi Guys, Has anyone tried triggering attestation policy for selected objects using One Identity SOAP/REST service call?  I'm working on an automated testing solution where we could test the attestation functionality by triggering attestation policy for selected…

  • Error running attestatino policy:The CancellationTokenSource has been disposed.

    Hi all,


    I'm implementing a button in the Attestation POlicies Settings that run an attestation policy from the web portal using a customizer method.

    But when I try it I get this error: 

    An exception has occurred while executing the form method Popup1_Popup1_ControlRef2_Container6_Button3_Method…