• Database error 515: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Queue', table 'OneIMProdDatabase.dbo.JobQueue'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    Hi All,

    After migrating from 8.1.1 to 8.1.4 we are facing below error while configuring the job server. Please suggest.

    Error during execution of statement: insert into QBMServerHasDeployTarget (UID_QBMDeployTarget, UID_QBMServer, xdateinserted, xuserinserted…

  • [813020] Component cannot be executed because required parameter 'ConnectionString, ConnectionProvider' are missing.

    Hi All,

    In DEVELOPMENT environment we are not able to see parameters for many of the OOTB processes and seems like none of the OOTB processes are working.

    All process steps are red in color.

    OOTB process steps with script components are missing the values…

  • Employee Manager Role for only Active Employees

    Hello Experts,

    I have been trying to figure out a way to assign the Employee Manager role in OneIM to only those who have active persons listed as their direct report.  Currently if a person has an inactive employee listed it still assigns the employee…

  • Disaster recovery for One Identity manager Product


    Please help me to find out how to set the Disaster recovery for One Identity manager Product. I couldn't able to get the information in the One IM documentation.

    Any help would be appreciated.



  • Active assignment request

    We are facing the same issue 8.0.2 IT shop assignment is not working as expected basically it show for the requester that the product he requested is assigned   (E.x business roles/ other entitlement) user try to use requested product since approvals got…

  • IT Shop still showing "InActive" employees.

    Hello All,

    We are having a little issue with InActive employees still showing on Web portal for managers in their direct reports.  I have the parameter set  for "QER\ITShop\AutoCloseInactivePerson"... Is there anything else that i need to do to remove those…

  • Completed requests either do not show or show in Canceled Requests....

    Hello All,

    when a person requests something on IT Shop, if the request was approved and completed it doesn't show in Approved request under request history for that person... There are times it won't show those requests at all or they will end up in…

  • VI_ESS_PWOHelperPWO Send mail new task for approver Failing

    Hello All,

    i have a few jobs under VI_ESS_PWOHelperPWO Send mail new task for approver that are failing to send the email notification.  Below is the error i am getting.

    ErrorMessages = (2019-08-21 14:59:05.247) [810271] Column UID_PersonOrdered does not…

  • Unable to configure new Group in IT Shop - OOB Request

    Hello Experts,

    we have run in to a little bit of a snag.  When users are requesting a new AD Group on IT Shop they are picking the OOB option "Create New Group".  When their manager receives the request, they cannot approve it... they can either…

  • Cherwell (ITSM) Product integration with OneIM

    Hello Experts,

    Has anyone worked with Chewell(AN ITSM) Procuct to integrate it with OneIM?  if so, any kind of information would be greatly appreciated.



  • Is there an audit report for Object Changes besides History Database or Time Trace?

    Hello Experts,

    Our Audit department has asked for a report that shows when a user account has any changes done to it.  They are needing the details as to What, When, by whom(the Change auditor shows just the sa account)  they need which user made the change…

  • How to Run a Report of All Assigned users to a Business Role

    Hello Experts,

    We have some business roles that are driven by a dynamic assignments based on their Deprtment, Title and Location.  I am trying to see if there is a way to have a report on all the members of those roles.  If i can do it in OneIM, Great! 

  • How do i enable to someone in IT Shop to submit request for others?

    Hello Experts,

    We have a situation where someone needs to be able to submit requests in IT Shop for people other than their direct reports.  Basically acting like a security Point of contact.  out of the box, you can only see or request access for people…

  • Is there a way to Limit OneIM to use only Child Domain for GC Query instead of Parent?

    Hello Experts,

    We have been having a weird issue with our OneIM version 8.0.1.  We have multiple domains and 2 of the 3 domains are working with no errors.  One of the Domain we have is having all kinds of issues.  The difference is the 2 working domains…

  • OneIM Assigning groups from two different domains to One Businessrole

    Hello Experts,

    I have a bit of an issue at my hand that i need your help with.  We have built several Business roles that are based on Department, Title and Location with dynamic roles.  we have a where clause defined in SQL portion in the Dynamic Rule…

  • Login to terminal server permitted <-> TSAllowLogonTerminalServer and Login hours <-> LogonHours (String) set to Deny by defaultone

    Hi All,

    We have run in to an issue when a we create a user account, OneIM is setting the two attributes to deny by default... how can i either disable this or make it enable by default?  

    Thank you for your help.