• Issue with Compliance Rule not triggering when user renews request

    Hi Everyone,

    Has anyone encountered an issue with the compliance rule not triggering when user renews a request? The same compliance rule triggers when the user requests for the request, but when they renew the request, it doesn't trigger.

    For context…

  • Creating an Approval Workflow in One Identity with Conditional Rechecks

    In our One Identity implementation, we need to set up an approval workflow that includes a loop to recheck a specific condition. This ensures that business roles are assigned correctly and that any necessary adjustments by administrators are verified…

  • IT Shop - Restrict users to only one service item assignment


    In our environment we have done the following:

    • Created service items for user licenses
    • Created an IT Shop with a shelf for self service. The shelf is assigned the Self service approval policy, enabling end users to request and obtain the user licenses…
  • ITShopCart - check for duplicates for QERReuse and QERReuseUS


    when ordering standard products (roles, groups etc), there's customizer check if there are duplicates in shopping cart. For obvious reasons it doesn't check for duplicates when ordering Multirequest resources. Is there any way to enforce duplicate…

  • v8.2.1: Too much resources used on IIS pool: sessions (user not logged in) is spiking

    We see the following IIS Server behavior:

    • After restarting the IIS server the number of “User account: (User is not logged in); started at: xxxxxxxxxxx” – sessions is building up to 80-90 sessions. Netstat registers 9 IP connections with port 443. …
  • How to replace the default ITShop Requests report for a customized one?

    We are trying to make a quatitative reports of how many requests were approved by department?

  • DialogParameters in 8.2 - how does validation works


    I have 2 questions regarding new feature in 8.2 meaning DialogParameters. There are fields for validation scripts - do you have any examples of such scripts? What's the expected output and how can we refer to current value?

    Second thing - how…

  • IT Shop event through custom script

    Dear All,

    At the moment I am working on changing a feature in the IT Shop during the Request phase through a custom script in Designer, but I still haven't figured out how to write and invoke it.

    Specifically, I need a check on the specifications of the…

  • Requests on behalf of other

    Hi everybody,

    I know that OneIM provides the possibility to make requests from ITShop on behalf of others; in particular I know that a manager can make requests on behalf of his direct subordinates whether he is their direct manager or he is the manager…

  • ITShop Person Changes Saving as SA in One Identity Manager 7.1

    When our ITShop saves changes to person XUserUpdated in the Person table is recorded as "sa". ITshop is configured for Active Directory. Where/What do we need to change to have ITShop record the changes as being performed by the ITShop logged in AD user…

  • Issue in ITShop: "Not yet implemented -> [Hash function for key"

    Hi there,

    when trying to authenticate to the ITShop with an enabled/internal Person in the context Employee (Role-based), AD (Manual) or AD integrated the error message "Not yet implemented -> [Hash function for key xyz]" returns.


  • ItShop Request properties required

    I have built multi request resources with request items and assigned them to service items. I have some required columns populating the Shopping Cart Item defined in the request item. It all works fine. However, when I request the shop item, I get a pop…

  • Moving Products from one Shop to a new Shop

    Hello everyone. we are running Identity manager version 8.0.2.

    we have two types of users in our production: employees and contractors. Both these types of users are cusotmers of a Shop inside IT shop (customer dynamic role: isinactive=0). We have entitlements…

  • Active assignment request

    We are facing the same issue 8.0.2 IT shop assignment is not working as expected basically it show for the requester that the product he requested is assigned   (E.x business roles/ other entitlement) user try to use requested product since approvals got…

  • IT Shop still showing "InActive" employees.

    Hello All,

    We are having a little issue with InActive employees still showing on Web portal for managers in their direct reports.  I have the parameter set  for "QER\ITShop\AutoCloseInactivePerson"... Is there anything else that i need to do to remove those…

  • Completed requests either do not show or show in Canceled Requests....

    Hello All,

    when a person requests something on IT Shop, if the request was approved and completed it doesn't show in Approved request under request history for that person... There are times it won't show those requests at all or they will end up in…

  • Unable to configure new Group in IT Shop - OOB Request

    Hello Experts,

    we have run in to a little bit of a snag.  When users are requesting a new AD Group on IT Shop they are picking the OOB option "Create New Group".  When their manager receives the request, they cannot approve it... they can either…

  • How do i enable to someone in IT Shop to submit request for others?

    Hello Experts,

    We have a situation where someone needs to be able to submit requests in IT Shop for people other than their direct reports.  Basically acting like a security Point of contact.  out of the box, you can only see or request access for people…

  • Data Import Error: [810025] IT Shop structures: Write permission denied for value "Approval policy".on

    We are getting this error when we try to import a change label from our preProd environment to Production....

    Has anyone seen this before?  All your help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,