• Application server returned an error. An error occurred.

    Hello Community,

    Please, I'm getting this error message every single time in the job queue for every kind of task:

    Thank you for assisting me.

    One identity v9.2

    The job queue:

    (2024-07-16 10:40:18.703) [2070000] Application server returned an error…

  • Re appearing job in the job queue infinitely

    We have the job update adsaccount in job queue.

    There is a 1 account that was disabled override in OIM. 

    after disabling the account a lots of jobs appear in job queue updating the same person. The job has been re appearing every seconds. Currently, we…

  • database compilation stuck at "Wait for DBQueue processor"

    when I try to compile the database from designer it stucks at "Wait for DBQueue processor" and never go forward with the compilation and when I examined the JobQueue

    it has no Processes running and the DBQueue shows the same message "Wait for…

  • [SAP ARIBA] CSM_User_Insert error : Erorr while doing JIT creation


    I've created a SCIM connector with SAP ARIBA, which is a cloud application.

    The full synchronisation works well with Inserting/Updating/Deleting.

    We tried to implement the standard process CSM_User_Insert, in order to perfom JIT creation.

  • Process step parameter is displaying password as plain text in job queue instead of encrypted value.

    Hi Team,

    I have a configuration parameter which has encryption checkbox checked on it. 

    But, when I am using the same in process step, I see the password being displayed as plain text in the job queue. my data base is also encrypted.

    what I don't understand…

  • Error history in jobqueue is not required

    Is there any way to get only the current error messages for a frozen job in the job queue after re-enable it few times.

    Instead of complete error history I need only the current error message in jobqueue.

  • Job Queue Info - Sync with Performance Counters


    Currently, I'm working on improving our monitornig systems on One Identity Manager (version 9.1, installed on Windows Server 2016).

    What I want to do is that, gather data from JobQueueInfo tool (number of jobs that are ready to run, frozen or…

  • what does error 2226017 mean ?

    Hello Community,

    we keep getting error messages in the job chain "ADS_ADSGroup_Delete" which is as follows:

    ErrorMessages [1777018] Error executing synchronization project (Active Directory Domain (DC=<domain>)'s workflow (Provisioning).…

  • Jobs are not being picked up when switching from one job server to another

    Hello Community,

    we have a strange behavior in our test environment, so I wanted to ask here in the round, what could be the cause for it

    Initial situation:

    we have 2 JobServers with One Identity Manager version 8.1.5 installed and configured
    - JobServer…

  • DB Queue slow processing version 8.1.2

    Hi All,

    I would like to know what is the best thing to look at, and or solution for the DB queue that has been processing slowly we have lots of pending processes in job queue and it has been 2 days.

    Hope someone can enlighten me in resolving this issue…

  • Report: How to get the Affected Objects view of a JobQueue in a sql query?


    What I want is to do a report of the frozen jobs in the Job Queue. If I go on a frozen job I can see the name of the affected objects thanks to the view "Affected Objects", is there a way to retrieve the data seen there thanks to sql request so…

  • NDO-K-NDOUserInGroup is "stucked" in IsReset state

    Hi experts,

    I am facing something intresting and I don't know the answer for it.
    There is an employee how has a NDOuser account. There is a business role and it has a NDO group assigned to the business role. I want to assign a business role to the…

  • Best practice job queue


    There is somewhere a document about the best practice for job queue ? (number of queue, queue splitted by target, name, config, etc...)

    If not, what are them ?

    Thank you.

  • Frozen jobs: "Created by QBMDBQueueProcess: call method Replace for object type personwantsorg"


    We get, from time-to-time frozen jobs, that I cannot find out the reason for why.

    Is there anyone here, that knows what this means and pherhaps why?

    Here are some examples from the log file from today (I have removed the product and person name):

  • GET UID_Job of the executing process

    Hi team, how can I get UID_JOB of the current root process being executed in Job queue, so that i can use that UID for my operation in other node of the same process

  • Auditing an executed job to find who or what triggered an event.

    Hello Experts,

    I am in need of some assistance.  We had an incident where a few users got removed from a group and i've been tasked to find out how and who did it.  i found the job that did it but it says it was done by "sa" and when i look at created…

  • ITShop - retain service item on relocation


    In the Identity Manager 8.0 - IT Shop Administration Guide you say:

    Table 5: General Master Data for a Service Item

    Retain service item assignment on relocation Specifies whether requests belonging to this service item remain intact when a customer…
  • MakeDecision job stuck in "processed" state.

    recently was found that all makedecision jobs just stuck in processing state and nothing happens.
    All other jobs successfuly executes and there is no isReset in dbqueue. Which means that object layer don't see any "contested" operations.…

  • Changing Hostname of a JobServer in the Designer

    I have a scenario where I have two job servers (one active and one is passive state), both are configured with similar machine roles, both are in different data centers.

    Currently I want to failover my primary job server to the passive one by changing…

  • How to move Jobs which are set to Ready2EXE=True from one Job Queue to another Job Queue.

    How to move Jobs which are set to Ready2EXE=True from one Job Queue to another Job Queue.

  • VI_ESS_PWOHelperPWO Send mail new task for approver Failing

    Hello All,

    i have a few jobs under VI_ESS_PWOHelperPWO Send mail new task for approver that are failing to send the email notification.  Below is the error i am getting.

    ErrorMessages = (2019-08-21 14:59:05.247) [810271] Column UID_PersonOrdered does not…

  • Job Service / Problems Could not decode parameter AuthenticationString


    we currently have a problem with the JobService or sync projects, e.g.  the project for Active Directory in One Identity as well as with SAP and CSV Imports in Version 8.0.2. 

    Shortly after starting the initial synchronization in the sychronization…

  • Why DBQueue gets stuck again and again?


    I am using version 8.0 and I am facing this issue that DBqueue gets stuck again and again. I have to reinitialize dbqueue then only it works. What can be the reasons for this? How can I resolve this issue?

  • Only one execution slot is used by the SAP queue


    even there are 10 slots defined for the SAP queue on the job server, SAP provisioning tasks are only using one single slot, preventing to run in parallel several SAP provisioning tasks.

    We don't face the issue with either AD, Exchange or LDAP…

  • Getting error in processes when multiple sql processing jobs are getting executed


    I am getting below error when 200-300 sql processing jobs are getting executed in parallel. 

    [810143] Database error 0: Timeout attempting to open the connection. The time period elapsed prior to attempting to open the connection has been exceeded…