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eBook: Strategies for successfully managing privileged accounts

eBook: Strategies for successfully managing privileged accounts One of the most important aspects of an identity security program is the management and governance of the accounts belonging to superusers — privileged accounts.

Like the accounts used by regular users, these superuser accounts require access management – ensuring that admins have the access they need to do their job — and governance – ensuring that there is oversight and control over that access, often for the purpose of compliance. 

Based on our experience with hundreds of customers over many years, if people in your organization are saying (or thinking) any of a few, choice sentences, then chances are your PAM program is in trouble: 

1. “Sudo is good enough.” 
2. “I trust my admins.” 
3. “All we need is a credential vault.” 
4. “We can approach PAM in a piecemeal manner.” 
5. “Governance doesn’t apply to PAM.” 

If those attitudes prevail in your organization, it is time to re-evaluate and improve your approach to managing and securing privileged accounts. Find out if your PAM program is on the right path. 

eBook: Strategies for successfully managing privileged accounts

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