
The Impact of Expanding Attack Surfaces on Enterprise Cybersecurity and Why You Need a Strong IAM Posture

The Impact of Expanding Attack Surfaces on Enterprise Cybersecurity and Why You Need a Strong IAM Posture
  • 録画日:Jan. 30, 2024
  • イベント:オンデマンド
The Impact of Expanding Attack Surfaces on Enterprise Cybersecurity and Why You Need a Strong IAM Posture
Enterprise attack surfaces are constantly evolving due to the integration of cloud-based infrastructure, interconnected devices, and third-party solutions. 

Learn how to minimize human error, eliminate gaps, and overlaps within your different IAM tools, and align your security strategy with the constantly evolving challenges of today and tomorrow's cyber threats.

Larry Chinski Vice President of Global IAM Strategy at One Identity, and Martin Kuppinger, Principal Analyst at KuppingerCole, show how to align your security strategy with the ever-changing challenges posed by today's and tomorrow's cyber threats.



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