June 2021 Identity Security Roadshow - Coming to Your Neck of the Virtual Woods
June 2021 Identity Security Roadshow - Coming to Your Neck of the Virtual Woods
Watch this - One Identity's Julia Reilly highlights what our June virtual roadshow has in store for you, including the Top Five Things to Know About Privileged Access Management (PAM).
Hi, I'm Julia Riley with One Identity. Our Identity Security Roadshow will be back on the virtual road June 1st through 10th. This time we're going to be discussing the top five things to know about Privileged Access Management. If approached incorrectly, this critical Identity security technology can cost your organization dearly in productivity and expense as well as reputation.
However, if you follow the five basic tenets that we'll be discussing, you can set up your organization for PAM success. In addition to hearing some great content, attendees will have a chance to win a $1,000 Hilton gift card. You'll be able to hit the road and sleep in style once we get back to the new normal. Official rules are available on the event registration page. Register now so that you don't miss out on discovering the top five things to know about Privileged Access Management. We look forward to virtually seeing you.