CompositionAPI independent Datatypes

If I use HandleByQuery or HandleBySqlStatement I get have a resulting json which reflects the DB structure.

Now I need to provide a REST API for querying some date in the IdentityManager and I want to use my own DateStructure for the resulting json.

As simple example I've done this:

.HandleGet(async qr =>{
    Query q = Query.From("ESet").Select("Ident_ESet").Where("UID_ESetType = N'e65d9baa-d737-4de9-a005-2f1f8f6263c8'");
    var entityRead = await qr.Session.Source().GetCollectionAsync(q);
    ESetList esets = new ESetList();

    foreach (var eset in entityRead){
        esets.esets.Add(new ESet() { Ident_ESet = eset.GetValue("Ident_ESet") });
    return esets;

Now the Result looks like:

"Result": {
"esets": [
"Ident_ESet": "xxxx"
"Ident_ESet": "yyyy"
"Ident_ESet": "zzzz"


How can I get rid of the "Result:" entry?

I just need:


"esets": [

"Ident_ESet": "xxxx"
"Ident_ESet": "yyyy"
"Ident_ESet": "zzzz"


Or is there an easier way to do the request from scratch?