How to extend the API for file upload

Hi everyone!

I am trying to extend the OneIdentity API for file upload. (I am using v9.2)

I was able to extend the API with some basic functionality, but I am struggling to add the file upload functionality.

I get errors like:

"Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS1061 'IRequest' does not contain a definition for 'FileName' and no accessible extension method 'FileName' accepting a first argument of type 'IRequest' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) UnitePlugin.CompositionAPI.Server.Plugin "

It seems like the IRequest doesn't contain FileName. Can I use anything else, or maybe use a different approach?

Any help would be appreciated.

Here's the basic code:

using QBM.CompositionApi.ApiManager;
using QBM.CompositionApi.Definition;
using QER.CompositionApi.Portal;
using VI.DB.Entities;
using VI.DB.Scripting;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using NLog;
using VI.Base;
using System;

namespace UnitePlugin.CompositionApi.Api
    //P.S. Class implementing IApiProviderFor<QER.CompositionApi.Portal.PortalApiProject>
    //will be included in the "Portal" project.
    //This way we can extend portal project with custom methods
    //and user's login to portal will work with this plugin.
    public class MyMethods : IApiProviderFor<QER.CompositionApi.Portal.PortalApiProject>, IApiProvider
        public void Build(IApiBuilder builder)
                .WithParameter("centralaccount", typeof(string), isInQuery: false)
                .HandleGet(qr =>
                    //var allow = qr.Route.Method.Settings.AllowUnauthenticated;

                    // Setup the script runner
                    var scriptClass = qr.Session.Scripts().GetScriptClass(ScriptContext.Scripts);
                    var runner = new ScriptRunner(scriptClass, qr.Session);

                    // Add any script input parameters to this array.
                    // In this example, the script parameters are defined as
                    // URL parameters, and their values must be supplied
                    // by the client. This does not have to be the case.
                    var parameters = new object[]

                    // This assumes that the script returns a string.
                    var ret = runner.Eval("CCC_Call_Database_Direct", parameters);

                    return System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(ret);

                // Insert the statement name (QBMLimitedSQL.Ident_QBMLimitedSQL) and the type
                .HandleGetBySqlStatement("CCC_Get_Reports_With_Business_Roles", SqlStatementType.SqlExecute)
                .WithParameter("centralaccount", typeof(string), isInQuery: false)
                // Define the result schema columns and data types
                //CentralAccount, FirstName, LastName, Title, Ident_Org 
                    new SqlResultColumn("CentralAccount", ValType.String),
                    new SqlResultColumn("FirstName", ValType.Int),
                    new SqlResultColumn("LastName", ValType.Int),
                    new SqlResultColumn("Title", ValType.Int),
                    new SqlResultColumn("Ident_Org", ValType.Int)                   

                // Insert the statement name (QBMLimitedSQL.Ident_QBMLimitedSQL) and the type
                .HandleGetBySqlStatement("CCC_Average_Approval_Time", SqlStatementType.SqlExecute)
                .WithParameter("daysToCheck", typeof(int), isInQuery: false)
                // Define the result schema columns and data types
                //DisplayPersonOrdered, OrderDate, DisplayOrg, OrderState,OrderStateDisplay, UserAverage, OrgAverageMinutes, GlobalAverageMinutes
                    new SqlResultColumn("DisplayPersonOrdered", ValType.String),
                    new SqlResultColumn("OrderDate", ValType.Int),
                    new SqlResultColumn("DisplayOrg", ValType.Int),
                    new SqlResultColumn("OrderState", ValType.Int),
                    new SqlResultColumn("OrderStateDisplay", ValType.Int),
                    new SqlResultColumn("UserAverage", ValType.Int),
                    new SqlResultColumn("OrgAverageMinutes", ValType.Int),
                    new SqlResultColumn("GlobalAverageMinutes", ValType.Int)


Here's the code I tried to add to it:
                .Handle("POST", async (file, qr) =>
                    // Handle the uploaded file here
                    string fileName = file.FileName;
                    byte[] fileBytes = await file.ReadAllBytesAsync();
                    // Save the file or perform other operations as needed
                    // Example: Save to disk
                    string filePath = Path.Combine("Uploads", fileName);
                    File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, fileBytes);
                    // Return a response
                    return new DataObject { Message = "File uploaded successfully: " + fileName };