• Insert ADSGroup not triggered after create a new ADSGroup using a sync project from CSV to ADSGroup


    I have two sync projects in my environment. One for AD sync and another one to create ADSGroups based on the info that I have in a CSV. The groups are created correctly, but the Insert task for ADSGroup is not triggered.

    If I trigger the insert…

  • CSV Dynamic roles assignment Import via Script

    Dear community,

    I am working for a customer who wants to migrate from Quest One IM v6 to One Identity v7.1.2. In v6 he has a script, which imports the assignments for Dynamic Roles (Table DynamicGroup). It is realized via script and not via CSV-DataImporter…

  • Data insert through CSV in Person table


    I am trying to insert user data through CSV and so created mappings and workflow. I am able to insert the user but CentralAccount for that user is not getting generated. Can anyone please help

  • RE: Start synchronization workflow from a step of a process


    yes this is possible. A full sync will be started using the task  FullProjection from the ProjectorComponent.The task needs the UID of the startup configuration you want to run as parameter.